Absolute horrible changes. This is a huge joke. I can understand decreasing DEC rewards. However, the end of season changes is really terrible. Last season, with better odds, I already got only DEC and useless potions that I can't trade or sell. Now you're saying that instead of DEC I will get credits and the chances of getting cards is super low.
If you're gonna do this, at the very least, you need to decrease the power requirements for the leagues. I have enough rating for Silver I, but only enough collection power for Bronze II. The gap shouldn't be this big.
This is also a huge blow to anyone who bought multiple accounts expecting certain rewards and suddenly they are getting cut by like 90%.
This was already the slowest progressing game, by far, I've ever played. It doesn't need to be slower. You say it's not about "new players" but about holding assets or not. You can't really expect people to spend thousands to aquire enough assets to get out of winning fractions of cents part of the game. New players didn't have a chance to get those assets when they were cheaper.
You compared this to MTG, but it is not a fair comparison. I played the game seriously for over 10 years, so I know the game really well. Sure, you can't really compete with a $20 deck. However, some good decks cost between 100 and 200. Most decks cost 300 to 400. Sure, if you move up to more open formats with older cards, prices go much higher. However, most tournaments are done with just the most recent cards. You can't really compare that with a game that has individual cards that cost thousands, and that's just for a level 1 card. If you win on MTG with a cheap deck, no one is going to check your collection to see if you have spent enough money to be allowed to get the prizes or if they are going to be lowered.
"This is also a huge blow to anyone who bought multiple accounts expecting certain rewards and suddenly they are getting cut by like 90%."
That's the actual purpose. Cause let's be frank, none plays multiple accounts a day for the daily Quest - you bot play them. Using such systems ain't free and you need to drain your earned rewards get ROI and pay the bot provider. If that was possible for some time, good for those who saw and used it. Anyhow it's good to trim the efficiency of that death-spiral.
One can always buy the cards they want with the credits they earn. Instead of getting a random reward card one can hold earned credits to purchase a card they actually want.
That's not gonna work, You can always sell the cards you open and buy other cards. Any common is better than getting like 1-10 DEC in a reward loot. Do you really think they're gonna give more credits than the DEC that is given currently? On top of that, chances for useless potions are even higher.
No that would be foolish and defeat some of the purpose of the changes. Potions aren't useless, some say opening packs without them is big No, No. I do understand players would rather cards but a 20% drop rate isn't that bad.
My exact sentiments! I have been playing MTG since 2000; have joined tourneys, pre-releases, and FNMs.
But WOW, just WOW, how the hell can a new player build power to get to the next league, if we have no way to do it aside from buying overpriced singles? My issues:
Card packs here are non-existent in store, which results in overpriced singles purchases and rentals. (and now the voucher system when CL releases)
No starter decks to purchase.
Sounds like a little patience solves all your problems since more card packs are coming soon.
I'm hoping too as well, but as Edward noted, beginner players like us are gated in building the power we need to get to the higher tiers; it is very difficult to earn assets even more now.:( Not even going to mention the vouchers being introduced in CL to get a pack.
But what is the use of launching new packages if we beginner players will get a much lower amount of vouchers compared to older players? The overwhelming majority of assets will remain with them, I myself have no hope of getting a single voucher.
Many of us are planning to buy vouchers in addition to the ones we get, which means another player is getting paid for sale of packs.
If you don't have SPS for your own "exclusive promo presale bonus" you could consider that buying one is part of the game economy, it makes SPS worth more, and that player might turn around to buy your cards later.
I'm in the same boat as you but no worries, just wait for the public sale.
I'm not sure why everyone is complaining about buying starter decks when they let you use some cards you don't own from each set.
yeah but you don't get any power from those so it doesn't let you climb leagues.. also any new card packs that new players hope to buy (hope is a key word) will provide less powers.. so pretty much centered towards rewarding old players disproportionally more..
New Boosters will be launched soon enough and everything you decry is basically ensuring that the actual gains you make stay stable and only increase in value over time.
There's no free Breakfast.
I get that there is no free breakfast. Again, coming from years of playing different TCGs, I definitely understand this. But if the game keeps driving out new players, who'd be buying the cards in the market, or even rent?
Good thing though is if that happens and the demand goes down, we'll see the prices will drop in both. At the end of the day, the 'value' would entirely depend on the demand. Let's see how this pans out. :)
My thoughts exactly. The problem with the hole "scarcity" policy that splinterlands seems so fond of now is that no packs are gonna be sold for a while, and when they are sold they are gonna be sold to people who already have assets. The card prize increse for the cards is not something that happened cause of "free market" is something that was made deliveratelly by the splinterlands team to benefit old players.
New players have no way to advance in the game unless they paid extraordinary fees (either buying or renting) to the old players.
the packs are going to get sold.. all the whales who get the vouchers already have ton for free SPS to buy all the packs using that.. zero sum game for new players
There is going to be enough packs for everyone once the presale ends man, relax. Just be pacient.
Cool.. let's hope so.. I am not aware of what happened in previous sales so being a bit pessimistic..
What should they do in your opinion then? Just curious.
I mean, not doing anything would be much better than this. If they really want to do this, they need to get rid of collection power requirements, or reduce them. With my rating, I am a silver 1. But because of collection power, I'm only bronze 2. How is that fair? I performed well without paying thousands in cards. I should be rewarded for that, not punished. These changes double (or even triple) the punishment.
I left a suggestion for them to create a temporary power boost reward for us from the early leagues. The biggest problem for moving up the league these days is the exorbitant value of high power card hires.
I hope they listen to us and at least make it easier to acquire power, even if it's temporary.
I agree! Game needs new players, don't shank 'em like that!
If the issue is the spellbook then don't count the spellbook!
I wonder what my old mtg cards are worth? If my dad hasn't thrown them away in 10 years! :)
The joke is an army of bots getting the same chances to get rewards as everyone else with no investment in nfts. This sort of stuff happens when people abuse the economy. We all get affected.
Hmm so, why did you buy multiple accounts? This game rewards people that invest time and effort and money into a single account to climb the ranks. You can't approach a game with a horizontal growth mentality, and that is exactly what the splinterlands team is doing, its punishing those that try to bot with multiple accounts or use multiple accounts to earn more.
I agree with you in two things you say though.
I did not buy multiple accounts. I was considering getting 1 or 2 more but I'm glad I didn't. Bots have not affected me at all. If people weren't always talking about bots, I wouldn't even know they existed. They are irrelevant. And, how is that abusing the economy? They allow bots, they allow multiple accounts. There is no abuse in here.
false. many thousands of low power bot accounts have drained reward pools for some time now, because a spellbook alone can get to like 1200 rating (possibly higher).
The problem isn't that bots exist, but that bots and players alike have been put into position where it's better to buy multiple $10 spellbook accounts than to buy/rent cards, only limited by the number of accounts they can manage (and tech-savvy people can manage quite a few more than normal players).
Personally I like the bots that buy/rent cards and actually play. Not as much the spellbook-only bots that infinitely farm the entire rewards pool from bronze by battling each other a million times only to turn around and sell 100% of everything they get because they don't need cards to farm rewards.
this change affects people proportional to how many accounts they have, which means the people abusing spellbook with 5000 bots suddenly need to reconsider their "dump everything" strategy
I don't care about bots. The bots will adapt anyway. The ones who are affected are the regular players that aren't whales.
I was happy with how things were before. Now things are much worse for me, unless I decide to spend thousands to get the right collection to get out of the "no DEC and low card chance zone". I won't do that. Even if I did, who's to say that in a few season they don't do the same up to gold or some other change that forces people to buy even more?
Do you have proof that spellbook bots can get to 1200 rating? I would have thought bots would be easy to defeat.
This. I'm left scratching my head as to why I can't compete in a league if I'm good enough. What does collection power have to do with how good I am at competing?
I believe it has to do with adding liquidity to the game. If everyone was getting more out of it than they put in, that wouldn't be a healthy environment. A minimum power level makes sure that those earning more rewards have also contributed to the game, and the rewards they are earning. It is about the extraction of resources vs what you're putting in. More power = higher investment = higher reward tier available.