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RE: SPS & DEC Liquidity Provider Rewards + One More Ranked Rewards Update

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Not sure how I feel about ECR going down 5% instead of 1% when below 50%. It's not common but I have gone below 50%. This is basically saying that players should never go below 50%. Do players, at least, earn 5x the DEC and RP to compensate for the extra ECR reduction? If not, that's pretty unfair.

About the minimum 2 days of renting, the more I think about it, the worse it seems. Nothing good comes from putting market restrictions. It makes players less likely to rent cards and owners less likely to put their cards for rent. I will certainly be renting way less after this.


The 70 battles are not correct, in every case if you take this at a daily basis. If you start at 100% you need 70 battles to reach 50%, but if you play the next day (let's say after 24 hours) your ECR will by arroung 74% and you will reach the 50% ECR after 39 battles, so you cannot do more than 39 battles a day without to reduce ECR under 50% if you play only once a day. I really cannot imagine that the splinterlands-team is not aware of this fact. Absolute Maximum is 48 battles a day when you submit a battle every 30 minutes. If you play 70 battles a day it is not important how and when you play you will be latest at the 2nd day significant under 50%.

exactly my thoughts so we basically can play only every 2 days or what?

Yes in my opinion they really publish false information.
They are even aware of this what shows my "correspondence" with a team member:

I cannot understand why they are so stubborn and cannot accept obvisiouly facts.
I mean they could tell " What we published was at least missunderstanding, the 70 battles are only possible if you play only one day and start with 100% ECR if you play every day you cannot play more than 40 battles a day".

Their behaviour is really unbelievable for me, probably they think now that they are the gods and are always right.

Interesting to note the 5% reduction is only applied to wins. If you're under 50% and lose, you only lose 1%.
Be interesting to see if starting a match you subsequently win, will cost a total of 6% (1% to start + 5% for winning).

Reread it "reduced by 5% instead of the typical 1%"

I will also stop renting cards. I was only renting odd ones for a brawl here and there. I'm not going to bother now.

I'm afraid the rental change will mostly hurt real players who want to test new cards and strategies or play tourneys and brawls. Bots will just spam the cards for two days instead of one.
The ECR change sounds pretty nice, though.

We can discuss about the ECR change, but in my opinion they publish wrong information about.
You can play this 70 battles only when you start at 100% ECR but afterwards the ECR won't refresh back to 100% in one day. So if you play everyday you can play a absolute maximum of 48 battles and if you play only once a day than even only approximately 40 battles.
It is not so, that we cannot discuss if this is enough or not but they shouldn't publish information who are at least missunderstanding.

Just look:

  1. If you are at 50% ECR and start a battle you will be afterward by 49.5%.
  2. To avoid increased ECR-Loose you need now to take a brake for 30 minutes.
  3. After 30 minutes you can play the next battle, so we go back to 1.

Cause you can do this only every 30 minutes you can play a maximum of 2 battles a hour what means 48 battles a day.

BUT: No human can do this or will do this, a human want to sleep and not wake up every 30 minutes to play a battle, so if you play once a day all battles you will use more ECR but ECR-regeneration will be the same, so you can play less battles. In this case you can play only 39, maybe 40 battles a day to avoid moving under 50% and not 70 like the splinterlands-team mentioned.