Is it time to buy up land??

Hello those who roam the Splinterland wilds, Chris here with another question I have been asking myself the last few weeks.

"Is it time to buy up land and invest into production?"


Ever since I heard about land coming to splinterlands I have had the idea to instead of braving the seasonal battles becoming a passive land owner and devoting my time to production and research. This in turn becoming a passive income of sorts or building me wealth in the game so that a few seasons down the line I too can become a whale and start making some splashes as it were in the splinterlands community.

Well, two kids later, 4 in total, and I have lost my place in the SPL community. I don't really know where we are on the timeline or what a good investment in the game is right now.

So I ask you Splinterlands roamers and landholders, What is the investment you would make in the current Splinterlands ecosystem?

Is it land? Cards? Totems? Let me know what you think in the comments below?

#pizza #leo #SPT #ChristIsKing


Hive Pope Arms 2.png

The above account is under a Writ of Excommunication. They remain unrepentant despite numerous warnings against their sins of spam, bearing false witness, and misuse of artificial intelligence. They have refused wise counsel and instruction to better behavior. They plead ignorance to the cause of their falling reputation, and ask questions about downvotes which have been answered on innumerable occasions already. Until they seek absolution, they are to be shunned by the community.