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RE: Selling My Entire Collection Of SL Cards. Dec Power 524,805. Make Me An Offer.

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Nice. I'm glad things are working out for you and life is good. I have a lot of things I could reply with to what you laid out, but it would probably TLDR material. Some would be better discussed privately.

I will leave this here, though. Just remember, the result of what you see below, is a co-ordinated attack on one individual (me) from a group of people (abusive thugs and cover up agents) who have a lot to hide. Their ego's have now reached epic proportions, and they will do anything to hide their dirt/protection racket. And These people include what you would consider friends. This is what power and greed does to people. They even joined forces/hired the services of some of the most rotten people/whales on this platform to make sure, that I continuously get silenced and provide cover in their special circle-jerk factory. And at the same time, character assassinate me to the point where their power and influence has convinced everyone that the inverse is now true. It is absolutely disgusting. This is who they really are. This is easily done, when you hold positions of authority as well....and even get cover from the very top to boot.

My rights as an individual have been sacrificed, and I have been digitally murdered. And they mock and laugh their target at every possible opportunity (refer to character assassination).

I will not fucking bow down to mother fuckers like this, who try to enforce their will on me. It makes me laugh on the inside at how absurdly ridiculous some people on this platform are and how they rose to the upper echelons of the hive universe by purporting to be anti-authoritarians and pro free speech, anti-corruption etc get the drift.

And now they are literally playing the victims while deliberately destroying someone else in the process. This is the depravity of what we are dealing with here.

It's complete and utter bullshit.

I will never apologise for any of my actions or aggressive attempts at defending myself after everything I was put through and had to endure...especially when the abusive thugs wanted an apology from their target of abuse. Just imagine being gang stalked, bullied, silenced by power and influence, ad by the top authority for the protection and cover of cowards....cowards who carried all of this out and targeted someone who was going through a horrifically terrifying time in their life. They are doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on their attempts to endlessly cover up their dirt and actions. They wanted me to apologise to them. Hilarious.

Can you think of anything more disgusting coming from people who are so-called "little people"....that entire spell is a sham and a lie, mad was from the beginning.

LMAO, talk about fucking clown world.



Thats a small taste of the thuggery and cover up attempts that were organised in the background with the help of powerful forces. I have been thrown out of many discord channels as well for no reason but hate towards me for daring to speak up.

These are your friends apparently....fucking animals is what they really are.


Whoa... damn dude.. In truth I am unaware of anything going on in these parts nowadays past what I can make out from the random fur and feathers that seem to be flying. In regards to private chats, as I always say feel free to wing me an email. You know my first position is always to seek resolution or getting parties to get on. I have been in the dark about a lot of what you elude to going on here. I figured you were in a dust up by the looks of your account and posts, but I am really unaware of stuff like gang stalking/targeted harassment. For instance when you say gang stalking... Do you mean as in the reported phenomena in the 3D world of being followed, harassed, targeted passively as well as directly? Or do you mean things like strictly digital format? I.e. spammed emails, leaked passwords, hacked devices, etc etc? I'm trying to understand more or less as it all seems clear as mud atm. Like how in the hell did the massive brawl start with the parties you're at logger heads with? I have read your posts and comments but it all seems vague? I know SL was a start point, but it all looks like its spiralled into something different. In short I don't understand the fine details. I know you're pissed off, and have enough confidence in you're character from what I've seen out of you to believe you would have to have a good reason. But there are no specifics to form a conclusion on anything. When you state my friends on here.. dude I really don't keep up with many here but a handful of people, you're one of them. A lot of folks I used to chat to are off doing their own thing on the chain. As with all the folks I like I hope their doing good. I'm always happy to chat to people when they reach out, and always happy to hear from them, we don't interact much anymore though. I still have fond memories of the whole hive/steem journey with them, but more or less don't get involved much in aught else. So if folks have turned rotten or gone awry I wouldn't know. Genuinely haven't got a clue. I hear you say they have though, but again I don't know enough to form a belief. I have tried to understand though, and looked through a number of posts and people getting flagged... but again I can't fully wrap my head around much as there's a lot vagueness across the board. The whole ecosystem is rife with with a number of conflicts here, which is why I won't do a large buy in. It's shaky as hell. It's also why I don't engage like I once did. There's a small group of meaningful content creators here who are what they say on the label and make good stuff. But the rest is a bit of a cluster fuck of random conflict and fiefdom behaviour which isn't my jam. It's a system wide open for bad actors to nest in which is a shame. It could of been a great space. Hell maybe someday shit will sort itself out and it will be. But atm nah. If at the end of this comment you want to reach out and download then go for it. I'm not of much consequence in this space so it's not like I will have a massive impact or anything. But you can feel free to shoot it all by me. You know I'm going to advocate for conflict resolution or conflict minimisation first and always. If I understand what's goin down and the why's maybe I can offer a different set of optics on it all? I'm not going to run around and blab with what you gotta say either. People fight all the time, it's part of living. Listening and trying to understand would be my first point. From that trying to see a way to minimise conflict would be my next. Keeping whatever you gotta say between you, me, and a fence post would be where I'd stand throughout. If you give me a way to reach out to you on discord I will drop you a line. I don't use the old one I had, and have a whole new account I use to catch up on game developments across a few random ones I like to play. I normally like to keep my hive stuff and communications on the chain and open as I've seen so much bullshit come from discord, but I got no problem chatting with you there if it will aid in understanding, or help in anyway. If anything maybe I can offer a different set of optics or a perspective if I understand what's going on. Note I said offer, not try to force. In the meantime Palikari I'll still be voting your posts up whenever you do post even if they are flagged out. You being in a scrap with others isn't going to alter that.