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RE: Modern Format & ToS Updates

in #splinterlandslast year

These are awesome news and hope that the TOS are actually (finally) enforced; the only bad thing here, is more punishing of the wild league human players, like me. Please keep in mind there are ACTUAL HUMAN PLAYERS in wild league, that keep getting rewards slashed either by bot abuse, and now by deprecation against playing in modern format. It's also the only format where old cards retain some value (and for me more fun to play, given all the different strategies one can use). I know npe is the focus, would love to see it extending to Existing Player Experience, and finally have a game EVERYONE can play... on an even playing field, instead of having to choose one format because the other one is a bot heaven with slashed rewards.


I have a theory about what they are doing and why they are doing this. Is it possible that the devs are ironing out the bots in Modern format so that once Modern Format is 100% non-bot, they can now let the cards be released?

By that, I mean, they would make Modern format in a way like in wild format that you can use all cards ONCE they solve of the bot problems in modern?

Imagine it as playing League of Legends and has both Solo Queue and Flex Queue. Both format, you can play any champions you own and yet, they are different queus. You can still play solo while doing the Flex queue and it won't affect your solo queue standing.

So, in Splinterlands, maybe once they fix that there are no bots in Modern, they can now release the restriction and you can now use ALL of the cards in that ranked format.

Just a theory.

It would be very good news... but since they don't seem interested at all in a full bot ban, don't see it happen on the near future. Would love to be proven wrong.

Fully agree. Ever since Wild became the home of bots it feels more and more like we're punished for wanting to play in a league where we can actually use our cards. I hope we can find a way through this soon.

Indeed. We're seeing a lot of good decisions lately, let's hope the trend continues and the overlooked problems for ages are finally dealt with.
