this is Pasture so @lovesnipper I'll need no introduction for your bot well now let's just jump right into it you know who I am already my favorite splinterlands card

in #splinterlands3 years ago

My introduction for the really real peeps and or the bots I'll see you and them on the battlefield and I'll meet you there cordially
well now moreover and hot topic and do have a new favorite swimmerlands card is no longer the Twilight basilisk

  .. suspense

  ohh and a quick shotout the @proteancreator is that the bot they wanted me to introduce myself so f*** the introduction this is pasture here you know who I am if you're real if not f*** you if you're fake like you even know right or either you do little s*** like Stephen has a bot for everything this is the king here and this isn't 

moreover I'll put upt the qualityest ass content in this whole entire circus so
help me squared

which had to be level 6 to be my favorite anyways now it is the wait for it wait for it desert dragon

at least level two with Pierce It just mantles Moulton Ash golem like the whole entire teams and three rounds with this card it is a must buy level two at least desert dragon especially depending on the rule set this card will just eat a whole other team like sand worm on a good one it's not that good used in first position because it has low power and dies fast but when it doesn't die it kills everything around with his trampling ability trampling ability notice how I said that twice and this card really just causes all kinds of destruction on the board sometimes if set up right this card will devastate the whole other team they will have no way to handle it
like juggling Tarsa's who probably looks much better naked by the way especially when she's fully up to the top level when there's like how many of that would be like 500 of her something like that f*** yeah I'd never level up I keep all those b****** separate sure the f*** would need no Dijinn apprentice


I refer to the above where I started at
as seen below god dammit

and now for a little curriculum bit of frosting on the tip of the cake for those who always asking yourself or others what's the best tank in the game well it's hands down one of these two you decide and no other option for sure hands down one of these two for the leveling the green unicorn is better than level 1 robo dragon Knight but a level 2 robo dragon Knight it's questionable which one's better even a level one so makes you wonder I'm thinking maybe it's the horse unicorn dealy the Green team or is it that dragon the dragon can be devastating but the horse can be a stallion that lasts a long time you can't beat cron as easy with the unicorn I mean with a with the robo dragon Knight cron usually beats him but he doesn't beat the unicorn not if you got your cards set up right and play with confidence especially if using llama I myself personally would never play with llama and kron together no matter what okay I do admit if I own both those cards then I would use them together but I don't own both those cards I own neither one of them I have had crown and llama at the same time but never on the same team as a rule I think it's a p**** way to play however I don't let those pussies beat me no they don't I'm probably the only one that beats them unless you copy these ways to play cuz there's not a lot of other ways to beat llama and crown that I know of but I found out the ways that I do on a previous post you could see it love @pasture delegate all your cards to me send me all your DC you name it send me all your cards it's my birthday everyday it's Christmas last Christmas you didn't give me anything don't forget about me I'm sitting here waiting playing splinterlands you can battle me I play mostly all day I only got like I think 30,000 power of my own but I'll whoop your ass

Screenshot_20220123-160834.png @lovesniper introduced I do what needs to get done I don't do what people tell me quality content whether you like it or not Mr bot now back to the show I don't see no reason for introduction when everybody in splinterlands knows who I am already and you're not even a person to answer to you can f*** off now back to the cookies that I'm boiling in this pot here frying fish or flying them people's asses take flight with a quirky A list of all your favorite cards in the comments so I can swoop them up and beat you with them like a goddamn bop It freaking homie don't play that clown s*** as you better have some good favorite cards if you don't have some you might want to look into what I just said the cards that is Willis see what you got favorite cards in the comments thanks or you can send them right to my account my end game name

I have the whole team set up and you can throw me a chicken it's a respect thing throw me that slimeball you know happens to me several times a day it's really some little baby just grab somebody's phone or some little kid and they're just


 dahiddledi dahblaw slimeball chicken bahbah yes I'm sure battle now 
yes I'm ready scorch fiend 
      derrahh blawbahwah

Screenshot_20220202-130559.png@lovesniper @proteancreator

P.S. @jitbag I was in your guild for less than a week for less than 5 days before you kick me out you never made me a Spam channel I put almost 11,000 DEC into your guild into the arena will you please send me back my DEC you do not deserve it at all you never made me a Spam channel you kicked me out without warning that's b******* please send me nearly 11,000 DEC to @pasture and you also blocked me and also I was in drawings you blocked me from the channel so all together I'm pretty sure I sent you at least over 11,000 DEC sounds fair to me I probably won that chaos legion card packs drawing though for a hundred packs I'd be nice if you send me the 100 packs if I won I think I might have went over and I think I said it I think it said somewhere in there without going over I think I maybe went over but just barely at all and I know it's closer than anybody else even if I went over so if I won those packs send them to me if I won anything else send it to me and if I was just automatically canceled out of all the drawings and and the drawings then send me back my DeC from the drawings raffles whatever and nearly 11,000 DeC did I put into the arena in my first 4 days of even being in the guild before you kicked me out $dec you or your guild do not deserve of mine I live on the streets I'm a f****** popsicle you got that I really miss the guild and especially miss you @jitbag I'm in the Cardinals now I turned down an invitation from the mosh pit because I was already in the Cardinals and they have a higher Frey fill rate which is making it so I haven't been able to bra because they're on it like they should be I'll probably end up being a roaring twenties someday you never know the reason I say that is that the guild im in now the Cardinals which is a great guild it's just that they're just like me they're fresh on those bras and I haven't been able to get a spot in the bra yet I imagine roaring twenties is probably the same but maybe not I do know one thing though I want to be brawling fill 11,000 DeC my bum ass up please and thank you ask @JACKIEBOII he knows I sent them to the arena check it don't be a future DeC bag holder with my DEC that I put into your guild for no f****** reason now that you kicked me out you didn't even make me a Spam channel you backstabbed me and I miss you personally @pasture