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RE: Splinterlands Ranked Reward Changes - Introducing Glint & The Reward Shop!

in #splinterlands11 months ago (edited)

the cost in Glint of each tier of Draw will increase by 50% for each 10 that are purchased during a ranked play season

Cost for every individual player will increase? Not the general cost? I mean if we save up at the start we won't wake up one day and draws cost 10x more because other ppl bought out?
And then at the start of the season it all goes back to 1x?

winners of Modern format battles will receive 50% more Glint than winners of Wild format battles

50% seems a bit too much. There are still some real players playing Wild League ('m NOT one of them, just for the record, I don't have cards for that, lol), do we really wanna discourage them from doing that?
30%, or something like that, seems a bit more reasonable.

But, hey, that's just me. 😆

oh, btw, FIRST! ❤️


Yes, it's per player, so other players' purchases will not affect you. As for the Glint bonus for Modern, I don't believe it is too much. We really need more players in Modern and I believe that it makes sense that players need to have and use the newer cards to earn the newer rewards.

Well, as an all time wild HUMAN player, this just makes me a little less likely to invest, actually. You're maintaining a bad situation - a gameplay type full of bots - and making it worse, efectivelly. You need players, period. And nerfing one kind of play (which in my opinion is by far the most fun, and I'm likely not alone) and keeping an uneven playing field certainly doesn't help neither the npe nor the existing player experience. Just my two cents. As for everything else, a big thumbs up for the changes!

i would say i agree with you

No, I'm all for more players in Modern, that's for sure. But I do have to feel for the OGs that still rock around the Wild 😎

It is quite obvious why Modern needs more players, isn’t it? No one is stopping the team from getting rid of the bots in Wild. But there’s one thing about Modern that Wild doesn’t have: you always have to buy the latest cards, or else you can’t play there anymore. And that’s the whole point. Kill the card values so that they can sell more packs yourselves. Ridiculous. There are plenty of other ways to generate income in the game, which would be important anyway. Because even if there weren’t the Wild problem, every new edition would dilute the card values. And instead of addressing or countering this problem, it’s actually made worse. Why? Because people are too lazy to explore other sources of revenue. Here’s a little tip: don’t allow third-party markets; the company loses a lot of revenue. But no, instead, they’d rather destroy the players’ wealth… and think that people would still invest in something that they know will lose value in 2 years and not gain value. No one invests in something without the hope that it will rise in the future… 🤔

No worries about OGs, they will anyway soon

Dude, my shit-a** alt with CL at silver level with a bunch of cards missing, a few silver level RW cards, and a bunch of SB cards is now sitting in Diamond in Wild earning almost as many chests as my main which has cards which cost over $10,000. I just spam SB summoners for 20 mins per day in Wild and that is my whole commitment to this account. Yeah, I do play it manually. You can't tell me that Wild takes the same level of investment and therefore risk as Modern. So, yeah, 50% more glint is totally fine... ;-)

We're not all pro players like you 😆💪

Yeah, all the level 1 bots and I are the only pro players in Wild Diamond... :-D