The key to success in web3 is finding a way to make everyone want to stay. How to stop the skimmers coming in with no interest in the project, just what they can take from it.
Its human nature to want to take the money. There are also evil powers at work within blockchain who will basically stab everyone else in the back for a buck.
If someone finds the solution to this, they have won.
Which is why I trust no-one in this space, including Matt and Aggroed. No fault of there own, I just have this inherent distrust for everyone in this space because of the reality we exist in at this moment.
This post by Matt, to me, sounds like a big please let me do what i want and support it plea. But, I will try to distance it from the company to make it sound more friendly.
I really enjoy SPL dont get me wrong.
My first idea to improve it though would be to stop issuing any new cards for at least 3 years. The market is not there for them as we stand today. Its great that SPL gets income from packs, but its diluting out of control. They need to find a way of generating income from what is existing whilst also burning them to create demand.
Maybe cards used on land are burned on to land and can never be used again in game.
Or every 1 BCX combined gives a small stat/skill improvement towards next level instead of just having to get to the full next level. If its 10 BCX to next level, each BCX gives 8% of the stat and the final card completes the last 28%. If its a skill at next level, then each BCX gives a +% chance of it firing until you get 100% chance at next card level. Lets combine all these existing cards and have fewer but better quality cards.
Just my ideas to put value back into the cards. Selling a promo for $80 is fine, but very short term lazy cash grab thinking.