
Almost all transactions are posted to the block chain.
You can manually view all the transaction that are sent to the chain with sites like hiveblocks to get an idea of what it all looks like.

I just wrote a script in python to parse the info posted to the block chain and get a list of all transaction IDs and who made the transaction from people attempting to buy the Waka card.

But all the actual information is created and stored on splinterlands servers.
So then the script took that list of transaction IDs and had to check each with the splinterlands API to get back the transaction info.

That info tells if the transaction was successful or not.
If not successful it tells why (card not on sale, not enough sps/vouchers, sold out), otherwise if it was a successful transaction it gives the cards unique ID and if it's gold foil or not.

One you know a cards unique ID you can check info about it like who owns it currently, if its for sale or rent, delegate etc.