This is an excerpt from my most recent stream!
In this video we look at my choice of the TOP 10 Common and Rare cards that you're NOT using! We're not talking about the known quantities like Wailing Wraith, Anasth Soothsayer, or Moxian Rebel. No no no. These are some of the unsung heroes that you've glanced at, bypassed, and immediately listed for sale. Hopefully this video shows you that some of these cards are worth taking a second look at and that they're useful in the right situations, niche as they may be!
Do you agree with these evaluations? Let me know in the comments!
Want to watch the live stream and participate in the conversation? I typically stream every THURSDAY from 9-11pm EST on Twitch! Hope to see you there! try using this site too you might make more off the post I just started about a week ago. SPLINTERLANDS players keep up voting each other