in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

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~ 😘 Hi Hi Splinterlands lovers around the world 😘 ~

Welcome back to my blog, @queen-silvia. I'd like to share the result of Indonesian qualifiers for Indo vs Japan clash which was held on November 11, 2022. There are 35 participants took a part from various guild in Indonesia, "Electronz" guild has the most participants with 8 players. The second guild is "Alpha" with 5 players. The tournament lasts for 2 days and we have so much fun in our telegram group, discussing about who'll be the winner, Why this person is very strong, what kind of cards that the top players used, etc. On November 2, 2022, The top 5 players were selected to be Indonesia delegations against top Japanese players.

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Well, This article will explain about the following topics :

  • Tournament Result
  • How strong Indonesia Delegation (In my point of view)
  • How strong Japan Delegation (In my point of view)
  • Indonesia vs Japan Clash Mechanism
  • Giveaway #39




Here is the top 5 result of the tournament. Please keep in mind that this tournament is Silver league in modern format and no legendaries allowed to be used (which means players have to think more tactical about their strategy). badpixie , known as RC in my thumbnail, became the winner after winning 25 matches and took only 5 loses. I lost to him, such a very strong player. At the second place, we have anif1908 with 23 Wins and 7 loses, I beat her at the final round but I did very bad at my last 6 matches (suffering 4 L) which put my rank down into the third place, don't know why, maybe a bit panicking after losing against badpixie 😂. At the forth place, we have jani2610 with 20 wins and 9 loses. poplar-22 comes up to the fifth position after 19 wins and 11 loses. Since Anif1908 and Jani2610 would not participate, they will be replaced by rexymonster and badrud.

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We were also rewarding top 6th - 25th players with huge amount of DEC for each person. below is the pictures of top 25 players :


Congratulations to all off the top 25 players and for those who didn't get any rewards, No need to be sad, There's always a chance next time, At least this tournament can give you good strategy from other players.



Well, this is my opinion based on my perspective towards some players, let's start with rexymonster first.

1. Rexymonster


He is replacing anif1908 and I think he deserved the spot since he finished at 7th position in the qualifiers (the same point as poplar-22). This player is one of the best Indonesian players as he used to play in Champion league and last year he won $500 as the prize of the first place in Zensport competition. Pretty cool right?. He is belong to HD Hyborian Dream, the top #50 guild in the world. When the season ends, He always share his great rewards in SPL-Indonesia telegram group since he plays in diamond / champion league

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2. RC (Badpixie)

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This player is a member of Peakmonster Feeder 3, a tier 3 Guild. He has good tactical analysis to create good strategy in every mana and ruleset. I am amazed with his strategy when I lost to him. He also good at renting meta cards at peakmonster with very cheap price. A nice skill which not everyone has.

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3. Poplar-22


The next delegation is poplar. He deserved the spot after finished 5th at the qualifiers. He also very active in SPL-Indonesia Group which shows that he is a big fan of Splinterlands game. He doesn't show any fear after the drawing put him to fight against the splinterfest 2022 runner up, @schnapoon. I hope he could do well against schnapoon 😁. Good luck my friend~

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4. Badrud


To be honest, I found difficulties to find jani2610 substitution when he decided to not participating in Indo vs Japan clash due to some reasons. I have tried to contact the top 10 but they are also could not join so I had to ask to everyone in discord and telegram group if any of them want to participate and badrud is the only person to tell me that he want to join so I am happy to invite him in the clash. I am not really sure how strong he is but his courage to fight against @ueyuey is interesting. Let see how the match going on.

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5. Queen-Silvia

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The next is me. I still need to learn strategies from players at higher league especially gold and diamond. This season will be the last silver league for me, started from next season I'll play at gold league regularly. Here is all my achievements (24) as a top 3 in all tournaments since September 2022 :
1Musdim's Missions on Immersys ModernRuner UpSeptember 7, 2022Bronze
2Archipelago Modern Bronze InvitationalWinnerSeptember 24, 2022Bronze
3YGG SPL Weekend ChallengeWinnerSeptember 24, 2022Bronze
4THGaming Bronze TournamentThird PlaceOctober 2, 2022Bronze
5Crypto-Zard and Beccss Tourney Stream 52WinnerOctober 6, 2022Silver
6Crypto-zard & Beccss THGaming Tournament no SplinterfestWinnerOctober 9, 2022Bronze
7Crypto-zard & Beccss THGaming Tournament no SplinterfestWinnerOctober 9, 2022Silver
8Ghoul Bounty Showdown TournamentRunner UpOctober 13, 2022Silver
9YGG SPL Weekend Challenge EU / AsianWinnerOctober 15, 2022Silver
10Beccss's Morning Livestream TourneyThird PlaceOctober 15, 2022Silver
11Crypto Zard n Beccss Tourney Stream 55WinnerOctober 15, 2022Silver
12Ghoul Bounty ShowdownWinnerOctober 20, 2022Silver
13Crypto Zard n Beccss X THGaming TournamentWinnerOctober 22, 2022Bronze
14BunsBagsandcaps livestream showdownWinnerOctober 22, 2022Silver
15Beccss Midweek Livestream TourneyWinnerOctober 26, 2022Silver
16WOO Saturday SlamWinnerNovember 6, 2022Bronze
17Slvershield Academy Beginner TrainingRunner UpNovember 6, 2022Silver
18Splinterlands TV Special StreamWinnerNovember 8, 2022Bronze
19Gobson Masters (Alpha) Bronze Gold FoilThird PlaceNovember 11, 2022Bronze
20Darastrix Modern Bronze Beginner TrainingWinnerNovember 11, 2022Bronze
21Crypto Zard & Beccss Tourney Stream 60 (Single Elimination)Third PlaceNovember 12, 2022Silver
22Crypto Zard & Beccss Tourney Stream 60 (Anytime Sit n Go)WinnerNovember 12, 2022Silver
23BunsBagsandCaps Livestream TournamentWinnerNovember 12, 2022Silver
24YGG SPL Weekend ChallengeWinnerNovember 12, 2022Silver

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And Here is My SPS record (Top 3) in a single Tournament :

NumberTitleLeagueDatePrize (SPS)
1Gobson Masters (Alpha) Bronze Gold FoilBronzeNovember 11, 2022806
2Poseidar Wild Silver InvitationalSilverNovember 4, 2022270
2Poseidar Wild Silver InvitationalSilverNovember 6, 2022256.143

Based on the above table, I think I have mastered Bronze and Silver laegue already, so next season I really have to master gold league.



Let's talk about The strength of Japan delegation too, started from @ueyuey.

1. Ueyuey

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Everyone has already know that ueyuey is very strong in Silver league, In the past he has been a top Slver player and currently I see him struggling on Champion league. This is very amazing. He is like my role model. I really want to master gold and diamond league also through renting since it's cheaper than purchasing the whole cards. Eventough he plays at higher level, he is still playing silver at his brawl so he is still a beast at silver league.

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2. Schnapoon

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Well, The second Japan delegation is @schnapoon. He was the Runner-Up of Splinterfest 2022 for both gold and diamond league. He was like ueyuey, has been being a top Silver player who finished at Silver Leaderboard regularly. I think We have been being a "close friend" after he joined Kingdom of Glory playing @azircon account under azirpoon. the account is doing pretty well in Champion league. I and schnapoon has met frequently either at silver tournament and ranked battle and I think the score is tie, like 3 - 3.

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3. Halfblue

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The third is @haflblue, He was a master in gold league as we can see in his post. It's all about gold league tips and tricks but currently, he is playing frequently at diamond and champion league. Although playing at higher league, he is still very strong at Silver, I have sent a Silver challege to his stream and I lost, ha ha ha. On November 25, he will be my opponent, I really can't wait to fight against him.

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4. Zombie569

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If we are comparing between all those 5 Japanese delegations, @zombie569 is the least popular, but the way he thinks about predicting the enemies movement is very awesome. For example, the ruleset was super sneak, he was not using thorn, or shield ability in the last position but he used Yodin and Lord Arianthus at the first position. As far as I remember, I only won once again him, most of the battles I lose against him.

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5. Hellslash

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@hellslash is one of the strongest Gold league player I've ever known. As far as I remember, he won the Zensport competition at gold league and got $1500 prize as reward. He is also finished first regularly at Gold Leaderboard. One thing that makes me admire him is that he owned his cards, whenever he buys cards at maximum level he always posted it on twitter and it looks so cool. I never play against him but once I reached gold league, I'll definitely meet him for sure.



The mechanism is the same as when Japan delegations were fighting against Philippines delegation where each delegation will play 1 vs 1 and the winner will receive 1000 SPS. How did we decide who vs who? The Japan and Indonesian delegations were choosing number 1-5, The people who choose the same number will fight each other, and here is the result :


We have invited each delegation in the same discord to make them easier organizing their battle and save the battle link. all the battle will be shown in the @schnapoon and @haflblue stream. So don't forget to see our clash! 😍


- GIVEAWAY #38 -

Alright, in the previous post we had some rare cards for the giveaways. In this giveaway post, there will be 3 rare cards that you could possibly win, Here are the cards :
Exploding Rats
Naga Assassin
Gargoya Devil

I will use Wheel of Names for the drawing and the name picked out will be given any card you want on the comment section.

How to participate :
  1. Please put any card you want (1 card) and your IGN (In-Game Name).
  2. If you feel like the post is useful feel free to follow me for more battle tips and tricks and 2 weekly giveaways continuously. I'll make sure we will be good friends :)
  3. Upvote is not a requirement but it will be greatly appreciated to increase the quality and the quantity of the next giveaway.
  4. Only 1 person could win once a week.

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Notes :
  1. The cut off time is the pay-out of this post (7 days after this post has been published). I will put a comment "TIME'S UP" when the time is up.
  2. The winner will be announced in the next giveaways.
  3. If you want to give feedback or critics, feel free to leave any comments. As long they are constructive and not offensive, they will be appreciated.
  4. Started from now, I will tag all of the participants who have joined (in the previous giveaway) in case you want to join the giveaway again, if you want me to stop tagging your IGN, feel free to comment STOP in the comment section.
  5. Every time I posted blogs whether Art Challenge, Battle Challenge or Social Media Challenge, there will be 1 card (rare card) will be rewarded for the giveaway winner.


If you haven't got any Splinterlands account, you can get it here

Credits :

@rimurutempest for putting my blog on Giveaway post, Thank You 😍

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Alright, that's the end of this article guys, Thank you for visiting my blog. See you in the next article and giveaway. Take care~


Source of picture :


Hi, this is ace, the founder of Splinterlands PH community in facebook that has around 40,000 active members and also the co-founder of TeamPH in Splinterlands. We'd like to know if there's a way for Philippines players can join in such tournament? thanks

Hi Ace, thank you for reaching us, I think I have replied it on twitter. Pardon me, I've been so busy lately and just opened my PeakD now.

I hope you can join such tournament very soon.

hello @queen-silvia , is there a quick way to reach you? like telegram or discord? thanks

Hi ace, yes, feel free to contact me through discord : @Queen-Silvia#0640.


We encourage card buying and holding. Are the players from Philippines doing that? If not, that need to be encouraged. Right now all SL assets are at discount. A very nice low level deck can be made my one person, of a pool of people raising funds together.

Hello @azircon , We encourage all PH community on buying and holding the cards since it make sense to own these cards rather than rent them. We share very good information and strategies in line with splinterlands in our community. Most of our members are very active playing in season and tournaments to all leagues and it would be very cool if our country can participate in such tournaments.

Also your last hive post is in Sep 2021!! You maybe active in Facebook but you are getting no exposure here

Please consider changing that.

I don't read Facebook or have a Facebook account :)

However, I am here and have a lot of influence in the game. How do I even know about you?

I was busy managing our communities in facebook. As you can see, it's not like i'm handling one community.. I may not be active in posting but that doesn't i'm not active reading stuffs like your good content <3 anyways, i would like to reach you privately on such arrangement, what is the best way to communicate with you? thanks

Right here on hive is the best way to communicate

PeakD is a great place to communicate with Filipinos already on HIVE or playing Splinterlands. Facebook will be the #1 onramp for new Filipino players.

I think 'ramp' has already happened. I am not worried about that.

I just don't want another Axie for Filipinos

right on brother, nice meeting you btw <3

Great read, Thank you, its exciting to see so many into the game! Please consider getting in touch with @xacex in regards to entering Team Philippines into your Tournaments, I am confident that this will only strengthen the Splinterlands Community especially in Asia. For those questions out there regarding whether Filipinos are Holding Splinterlands Assets, Team PH is specifically backed by Splinterlands Assets from investors within the Philippines including myself, and we encourage our community to hold assets and give them opportunities to build at a gradual pace, unlike some of the other countries offering Peanuts to scholars, we offer a win / win scenario. Azircon, I recognize you and respect your position in Splinterlands, please take the time to read my Peakd articles in regards to TeamPH, if you have any questions I would be happy to converse through discord.

Sure, I have contected her through twitter too.

I wish there will be an international clash between Indo vs Philippines too

That would be nice to strengthen our good relationship :)

Perfect, Thanks Queen-Silvia, let me know the outcome, I would like to support also if I am able to

Thank You for your support, Mangomayhem :)

This post has been given a 10.0% UpVote by the SplinterBoost Community Curation Bot.
Delegate HP | Join Discord

TeamPH... Philippines lets go!

Letttsss go, PH vs Indo soon😍

Thank you for a most interesting synopsis of Team Japan and Team Indonesia members!

Count me in again, please. Naga Assassin. Many thanks - Ian :)< @ianballantine

Your welcome and good luck Ian,

Thanks for participating~

Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

Great Post. Love the detailed analysis 👌.
Good luck to both sides.
Thanks to @schnapoon , @queen-silvia and @azircon for putting this together ❤️.

Thank you so much for your support, tradyscho 😍

Count With me

!gif thank you @qoogohome

Credit: cmmemes
Earn Crypto for your Memes @!

Sure, good luck my friend

Excellent competition and great post @queen-silvia, I love this kind of tournaments, already made it known, hope to see you in "Gold" soon.

@tipu curate 3

Sure, I'll be there soon and can't wait to see you in the battlefield, my friend.

Thanks for the tip, here have a pizza too


Excellent, that's the energy.

Thanks for the Pizza, glad to reward good content.

Gargoya Devil

Good luck! My Splinterlands username @ieronimus

Alright, welcome to the giveaway and good luck, ieron

This week was insane! Congrats on the tournaments. 👍✨

Good luck to everyone! 🍀Count me in, @rimurutempest 🤞

Guys I'm also doing giveaways, and you're all welcome to participate!😀
👉HERE - TWO Cards at my post Temporal Master
👉HERE - TWO Cards at my post about True Strike

▶️Check Today's Splinterlands Giveaway: HERE
▶️Check Today's WOO Giveaway: HERE


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT - 0.1 THG - tokens to @rimurutempest

remaining commands 0


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Yeah, pretty nice week

Okay, I have joined your giveaway too

Thanks for the opportunity

Your welcome. I'm doing a List for WOO giveaways too if you're interested in.

▶️Check Today's WOO Giveaway: HERE


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
rimurutempest tipped queen-silvia (x1)
(2/5) @queen-silvia tipped @lenonmc21 (x1)

Learn more at!

!PIZZANaga Assassin, thanks. @circlebubble

Alright, thank you for following me and joining the giveaway

Good luck!

devil @mxm0unite

Okay, Thanks for participating and good luck there ~

Its time to show the queen of splinterlands

Ha ha ha, thanks for the kind words, salomijale.

Once I visit India, I will definitely meet you there

Good luck! Go and kick some ass! 💪

Gargoya Devil
Count me in for the giveaway!
Thank you! 🙏
ign: @pero82

Thank You my friend, Pero

Yea, Haflblue is a tough opponent but let see :)

Will do my best for it

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HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - New Sponsor - 50000 Ecency Points added to the prize pool!
HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Collect badges and win prizes - More than 4500 HIVE prize pool
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Count me in for Exploding Rats, please!

As an Indonesian, i don't even know this kind of thing exist! Very cool! Can you invite me into the discord or into the community group

Sure, We are not very active on discord, so I would strongly suggest you to join our telegram chat, Here it is :