Singing Contest: "Rocking Out the Loot on Splinterlands" ... 2nd Submission Deadline Extension

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)



"Quill, what are you doing? This is the second time you've extended the Contest's Deadline Submission!

It's true. The CryptoSphere is a lawless place full of outlaws and I, alas, am one of them.

The 2nd (and final) Submission Deadline will be 12:00 PM EST (midnight) on December 31, 2021.

As always, there's a method to my madness:

1.) When I first published the Contest Post (see for rules), I wasn't sure if I'd get any submissions. Moreover, I wasn't sure if I'd get any Hive Whales to get on board, which is important as their collective upvotes are what will constitute most of the Contest's Prizes. The process occurred more slowly than I anticipated, but it is occurring and I want to give the positive feedback loops as much time as possible to kick in.

2.) December 31st is my birthday and, who knows ... maybe such august (not August) Submission Date will force-multiply the Contest's cosmic good fortunes.

3.) And lastly, the good folks at Splinterlands asked me to extend the Submission Deadline. Who could argue with that?

Entries So Far

There are five spectacular entries thus far and I'm assured there are more on their way.

Go have a listen and don't be stingy with your upvotes, comments & reblogs.

The First Entry comes from @jaydr in Nigeria.


This is exactly how Elvis got started.

The Second Entry comes from @rosiew in the U.S.


"Rosie The Rockstar," it has a nice ring, doesn't it?

The Third Entry comes from @hkinuvaime in The Philippines.


The "Thrilla From Manilla."

The Fourth Entry comes from @manujune in Venezuela.


A "Heavenly Angel" (whose Dad, @hlezama, desperately doesn't want me to mention that she is ... SINGLE).

The Fifth Entry comes from @damienwolf in The Philippines.


With more Howl than Growl, the Wolfman himself ...


Note to Whales

Whales: for a video to go viral (and promote Hive and its DApps in the process), it needs a spark. This Contest is a promotional opportunity handed to you upon a silver platter. Once the First Place Winner is determined, it wouldn't take much for Splinterlands (the blockchain's most dynamic DApp) to turn it into a snazzy looking video (advertisement). Minnows & Dolphins would do their part in post-promoting it on third-party social media sites but, as everyone on the blockchain knows ... without the whales, nothing scales.

Note also the international nature of the submissions thus far: four countries on four continents. If we want Hive and its DApps to grow, we need to appeal to people across the globe ... which this Contest is doing.

Join the Party

Eleven days, folks ... if you can sing, that's more than sufficient time to record a rendition and get in the game.



The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Thanks again @poshtoken.

Rewarding third-party post-promotion ... a great initiative.


Hi @quillfire! When will we find out winners for the contest? :)

Tonight or tomorrow. I'm working on the Winner's Post right now. I had to wait for all the judges to submit their scores.


Wait~!! You are in bed with Splinterlands?

I think it is a great contest and I hope you get a lot of contestants, although, you would have better luck getting Santa to do it than me. I think I have a busier schedule than he does this week.

By the way, could you please finish reading and commenting on my #MarketFriday posts? I am three days late on those and still have 75 more Christmas cards to write out... and... and... and... no pressure.

Just another day in the life. Merry Monday!

Wait~!! You are in bed with Splinterlands?

Not quite. @splinterlands is resisting their destiny. But have no fear, I'm corrupting them one-by-one. And, we both know how this thing ends ... there's a reason why Plato wanted to exile all the poets from Athens.

I am like Darth Sidious seducing Anakin to the Dark Side:


"@aggroed, do what must be done. You must let Lord Quillidious make Splinterlands famous ... by making it infamous."

"I will never join you! You're ... in advertising!!!"

"Aggroed ... I am your father."


Lord Quillidious

Resistance is futile. Dont they know that?!?

How could they not? I've been saying as much at every opportunity.

Apparently, not everyone is familiar will the QuillForce.


Aggroed ... I am your father."


Oh, Aggie is fun! :) Run away!

@tipu curate

You are my Guardian Angel.

Thank you.


Yipppee!! Thank you so much, QuillFire!! :) I hope more people will enter!!

The more people know about this Contest, the higher the Prize payouts will be (for everyone involved). I'd love to see all the contestants walk away with $1,000+. That would undoubtedly require a miracle ... but who knows, it's Christmas.

BTW, you guys are gamers, right? Well, this is a game too. Loving chess doesn't mean you can't love checkers. I want to see Hivians playing Splinterlands and Splinterfolk posting on Hive about ... everything. It ought not be one thing or the other . It ought to be both.



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i recommend this challenge to @hkinuvaime since she is good at singing im here to support her

thanks for acknowledging my comment
i love splinterlands but im not good in singing. hehehe

good luck!