Real name is John. I tried splinterlands a while ago and was thinking about buying the spell book but didn’t. The reason cause think do I spend 10 bucks to get my back kicked in over and over. Well thanks to a couple articles I read I decided to give it a go. I bought the spell book and still getting beat up on bad. So since I had som wax I decided to buy some packs of of atomic and send them over to open them and even that didn’t change much. I came to realize that if I dont level up my cards I will never get anywhere I started doing that with any DEC I get and it’s starting to help. I really need to get some summoners for cheap that are above lv 2 cause that’s why some of my cards are not getting the full effect anyone that can help me figure out how with out spending money which I don’t have right now I will try and repay for the helpHi my in game name is @redneckonize
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