Hi, I am slightly new to this, could someone explain to me what does this statement means?
Cards on 24-hour cooldown will no longer be able to be listed for rent on the rental market
- On what conditions will a card be on cooldown?
- For example, if I rent a card out to Player A for 24 hours, and Player A uses it in the last 15 minutes of the 24h rental period, does it mean when the card is returned to me, I will need to wait 23 hr 45 minutes for the cooldown to end before I can list the same card for rent?
I don't believe so, I think the 24 hour cooldown period more affects the purchase of a card that was recently used. I just used a card in ranked battles 10 minutes ago, put it up on the market for sale and you buy it. Since I played it, you have to wait 24 hours to use it. I don't believe rentals are affected the same way but I could be wrong..
Thanks for sharing! Understand your point, though I also note that the statement mentioned "listed for rent". Hmm let's see if anyone can shed some light.
Yeah I mean it could be that scenario except when you bought it, then you threw it up on the market for rent. I wonder if anyone could clarify, maybe @splinterlands could?
if you used a card in battle, then decide you'd rather rent it out, you will need to wait 24 hr before you can do so, i believe until this rule one could rent a card on cooldown and not be able to use it in battle, which would be a waste of a rent unless you just rented for the CP
If you use a card you own in ranked, it gets a 24 hour cool down for use by other accounts. The change will prevent you from putting cards with a cool down timer up on the market for other users to rent out. It shouldn't impact cards that are rented out to different players, as I believe those don't incur a cool down timer for other renters now.