No thanks,
It was heavily advertised that cards can not be uncombined. It should stay that way as many of us who collected 1 BCX cards and held them did so on the promise that uncombining wouldn't be possible. Level One card collectors decided to take a hit on tournament winnings, higher ranked rewards, rental income and everything else that leveled cards help with attaining while preserving the lifespan of 1 BCX cards. One BCX collectors had the thoughts that 1 BCX will be more valuable per BCX than combined cards when sold on market. We were right and we should be allowed to keep those benefits. Players had a choice before combining with knowing it can't be undone. Choices were made, there was and is benefits to both decisions. Lets not kick one BCX collectors in the nuts because combined cards aren't returning as much rental income/ being sold for the price those who combined would like them to be sold for.
Other Negatives
- Less Leveled cards on the market
- Over saturates the level one marketplace
- Potentially less players in higher league tournaments in which some already have a smallish player base for due to less amount of the appropriate card levels on market to play in such tournaments