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RE: Funny Splinterlands Fail Featuring the Silvershield Assassin!

in #splinterlands5 years ago (edited)

It was actually quite a clever move.....

It's irrational to play non magic ranged attacks in low mana battles, because often your tanks don't have enough to soak up at the front, rendering them less use, so you're left with melee and magic, which Lord A can deal with.

They were probably anticipating Lord A wiping out at least one or two enemies, then he's left with the Flesh Golem.

If you'd have had the poison ability with the assassin, you would have wiped out the Golem and done enough damage to Lord A within 20 rounds (before his thorns got you) to win.

I actually quite like the card, but it's best employed with the Feral Spirit - if you play dragon and something with inspire he effectively does 10 damage per round, factoring in poison. There's no sneak card like him if you stack the buffs.

Add on two tanks, the armourer and a shield buffer like Defender of the Truth and it's not a bad combo with you doing 15 damage from the back each round, but it needs 30 + mana.


Hmmm... yes, I see that point about the ranged monsters. They too easily get into the front lines. Wow, you have some pretty detailed strats on the game... I wing it most of the time!

I thought it was all about strategy! Down below Champions however, it largely comes down to whose got the highest power cards, the higher up you go it becomes more like poker.

Shhhhh... I'm in Gold and low Diamond.. and I live happy in my blissful delusion that it is mostly due to my extreme genius!