The battle of Splinterlands was exciting! As a player, it is always important to be aware of the recent history of the enemy. In this case, the opponent had been playing mainly with water elements and attack monsters. The rule of combat was Fog of War, which prohibits the Sneak and Snipe abilities. This provided an excellent opportunity to start with a challenge using mainly magic attack monsters.
As a summoner, I used Keyla Frendul to gain speed and protect the tank, increasing the shield.
As the main tank, I used Djinn Ossanus for its speed of 5 to have a high probability of evading attacks. Additionally, its Void ability reduces the enemy's magic damage, which is useful, as there is likely to be more melee cards than magic in the opponent's ranks.
Second, as a secondary tank, we have Nerissa Tridawn with an attack of 3. It is important to note that with these two cards add up to an attack of 5 per turn, which is almost certain to defeat any average card. Additionally, both cards add up to a total of 19 life, which is quite good for a double tank strategy.
In the lineup, I also used Merdali Guardian as a healer, with its Tank Heal ability restoring a portion of our tank each turn.
Additionally, I used the flying Ice Pixie as a magic attacker, doing 1 magic damage per turn.
To make our tank invincible, I used Scavo Hireling to repair the shield of our tank each turn.
And lastly, I used Hardy Stonefish as a reserve card, although I do not think it is necessary to use it, as we expect to defeat the enemy at least with the second tank standing.
The battle
I really liked using Nerissa Tridawn, as it is a good tank with its 9 life. Although its weakness is not having a shield and being a bit slow with its speed 2, this can be justified with its 3 magic attack. I had not used this card before and it certainly adds to my list of favorites.
If you liked this post and got to the end, and you still don't play Splinterlands, I invite you to do so. I leave my referral link so you can join the fun. Thank you for reading!