Splinterlands Nominated! Vote them to WIN the Best Community Game Award! Please SHARE!

in #splinterlands3 years ago


Let's Build Up Community Play!

Here's some background on my motivation for why I play Splinterlands and SURPRISE, it's NOT MONEY (but sure that's nice)! My number one goal is to build up the Splinterlands' community. It's why I write posts about it. It's why I take time to share out the AMA to people. It's what makes me excited, even more than the investment I'm making but as I said, that's nice too. You see, I would compare it to how I play at Casinos when I occasionally get to go. I don't play the slot machines much. I don't play poker much there either. Poker is fine, but you're against the players. I'm the girl that prefers the community games. I enjoy Blackjack, and my FAVORITE is the CRAPS table! I'm the girl that comes over to the table quietly, assesses the "room" if you will as I don't want to just come in and change the vibe. I order a drink, I start to quietly clap a bit here and there, smile and cheer on the one with the dice. And then we work up the crowd. Then we get serious.... I get a little more excited, a little more animated... get that good vibe going... until the whole Casino is coming over to see "WHAT IS ALL THIS "YIPPEE" about over here? Wow they are winning big!"

Yep, that's me! And I'm winning oh... I don't know ..... probably $5 to $10 dollars... HA HA! Yeah, I know, BIG SPENDER ME! HAHAHA! I leave the night with about $100 up if I'm lucky, and you would have THOUGHT I had won a million. It's just me. I'm not there for the money, but for the joy I get to see on people's faces as they win, because folks some of those guys are WINNING BIG. Just like in Splinterlands! And I'm happy to come home with a little bit more than I started with but I'm passionate about cheering on the table and meeting new people. People are my investment. Oh gosh, and I've met some AMAZING people playing CRAPS!

Splinterlands is the same for me! The PASSION lies with THE PEOPLE!!! Yes, of course I'd like some money, because behind the scenes, I could really REALLY use some money, but I'm not motivated by that. I'm motivated by the community! I'm wanting this community to be seen as THE BEST (because IT IS!!!), and I FIRMLY BELIEVE, if we are voted the BEST GAMING COMMUNITY, we WILL bring in MORE PLAYERS which then brings in more money... so who's with me here?


Splinterlands was nominated, and it's time to ACT! Over on Twitter, Splinterlands retweeted a post yesterday from NFT.NYC that is hosting an AWARD for the "Best Gaming Community" and the Splinterlands' community is one of the nominees! This is our moment to create some noise at the table, right? I mean LOOK at how many people follow NFT.NYC:

2021-10-23 (6).png

OVER TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND followers! That's 22K worth of people that can come around our table and see what all the buzz is about, if we just go vote. No one has to know it's you. You just click on Splinterlands as you can see in this picture:

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They've nearly got 6K votes... ha.. that's NOTHING, guys! WE can do this! WE CAN BE THE BEST GAMING COMMUNITY! Please, let's get this award for @aggroed and @yabapmatt and the whole Splinterlands' team! Let's show them how much we love them and their game by getting the word out to VOTE ON TWITTER to be the #1 Best Gaming Community AS THE #1 CRYPTO GAME!


Please let's blow the whole Crypto world away! Spread the word to everyone!!


I also ask again: SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE please! Even if you just have the courage to share it with one person, you're going to get us ANOTHER VOTE! Let's get as many votes as we can! There's nothing to lose here guys, and EVERYTHING TO GAIN! So please VOTE NOW and then share with others!

Thank you so much for reading and sharing out the link. I really really really hope we win! We've got 4 days! Let's make the most of it!

If you enjoyed my post and want to try Splinterlands, please use my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=rosiew

Please remember my post is not meant to be financial advice and is just my opinion.
Follow These Folks:
Splinterlands: https://peakd.com/@splinterlands/
Monster-Curator: https://peakd.com/@monster-curator/
1Up (#OneUp): https://www.1up.zone/
Here are some great links to join as well!
Splinterlands Discord: https://discord.gg/Tw7KjNsQGs
Monster Market Discord (Monster Curator): https://discord.gg/DR3J9rfRFV
PeakD Discord (PeakMonsters as well): https://discord.gg/7mQmzZeugE
NFT Studios Discord (aka 1UP Discord #OneUp): https://discord.gg/4VYBcNuVQd


Great find! These are the kinds of things we need to keep doing. Regardless of whether we "win", every single person who votes will see the name #Splinterlands and you can bet a decent number of them will check it out. If it's popular enough to even be in the running, then there must be something to it, right?

YESS!! Exactly!! :) Thank you so much, Dagger!! :) Hope you're having a nice weekend!

Wow! They are like way ahead. We gotta get this community rallied. Sound the horns!!!

YESSS!! :)

Will be hard win versus axie infinity, which probably is bigger community :D

Well, we can try! :) You never know!! If we all pull together we might win!!! Hope you're doing well! :) Great to see you!! :)

Hehe I feel like in guild brawl versus top guilds! I know they are more powerful, but my fighting spirit tells me that I can defeat them!

We are strong! We are the most friendly Community in the World!
I never saw that much good and kind people together until I saw many streams on twitch from Splinterlands! #nosleepgang

Yeah I am fine and I hope so you feel good too!
I am still playing, still posting and have some fun while doing this sort of things :)

YAY! I'm so glad to hear it!! Have a great weekend and week!!

Thanks, you too! ;)

I LOVE that you’re a craps player too! It’s the only thing I play at the casino because of the fun community aspect. Everyone is cheering everyone else on, except for the one guy that’s always there betting the don’t pass lol. Even the dealers are fun at the craps tables and because there are three of them its always a lively conversation.


HAHAHA This made me laugh so hard!! YES there's ALWAYS THAT CRABBY GUY! LIKE GRRR!!! Or someone that actually told me not to cheer, not to clap, not to say a word.... we all lost a TON of money that day.. like what in the WORLD?!?!? Poor guy was having a rough day I think. :(

Anyways, the last time I played craps, they asked for my ID, and the table boss (darn it what's that job called again? totally blanked) thought it was fake. The whole dang table was trying to guess my age! HAHAHA I died laughing. It was SUCH a blast. Then COVID happened. :( I miss playing. I didn't play often mind you, but it was something I enjoyed now and again. Guess I should give it a go again... my birthday is coming up and it would be a nice way to celebrate! ;)

Let me know if you hit the tables any time soon! I'd love to hear about it! :) Have a great day, Shaun!

The Boxman! They always seem more grumpy than the others and I think they are just waiting for their promotion to pit boss. I usually position myself next to the stickman and they can be fun.

I played for the first time in years when my brother got married this summer and had a blast. A year in college I played craps for a living at a casino near school. There was a group of guys that were great controlled dice throwers that I would follow around and made good money with. Ah those were the days!

You should definitely go for your birthday, you’ll have some extra birthday luck on your side :) I have so many good craps stories, we should certainly swap them sometime!

OH and thanks for the PIZZA! YAY! :)

PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@shauner(2/20) tipped @rosiew (x1)
Learn more at https://hive.pizza.

I voted! The more new players the better!