Win Trading Question 4: Who should review win trading reports?

in #splinterlands6 months ago

Who should be responsible for reviewing and taking action on win trade reports?

  • Splinterlands (The Company)
  • The community utilizing an elected group
  • Some other option please see my comment below

My advice: both. SPL should allocate some checking procedures that are automatic. And the community should have the possibility to report it.

Those are both valid things, this question is more aimed at who should have the authority to review and make the final decision when accusations are made.

Seems like a very hard one and at the crux of a lot of these questions. I really don't know what a community group would look like and how they'd be successful. I don't have a good enough feel for it to make a solid vote on this one. sorry

I voted for SPL Co but think elected community would also be good, as long as the SPL Co has one or more representatives to allow for Internal SPL Co knowledge that the broader community may not be aware of such as future deals or plans that may affect gameplay or ecosystem.

I think SPL should have the final say but the community can alert of any possible win trading. Maybe an elected person would be in charge of verifying any proclamations and then submitting to the SPL team for judgement

The coomunity judging this is a terrible idea.

The company for sure. Giving the community this authority is encouraging witch hunts and lynch mobs.

Only allow 1 IP-Adress / per Account. Check for Hardware ID's per Account and stuff like that.

Not sure how to vote for this. I think SPL might be the best choice but also kind of don't want SPL to be wasting time auditing these things. I don't think this is a high enough priority atm.