Win Trading Question 5: Do Not Play list

in #splinterlands7 months ago

For the modern format what type of Do Not Play List would be acceptable?

For this question, a Do Not Play list is a grouping of accounts that will not be allowed to match together in the modern ranked format.

  • Any player regardless of their league.
  • Any player that is not in champ.
  • There should be no DNP in modern.
  • Other, please see my comment below.

There should be no DNP in ANY format, ever.

I don't understand why there was a DNP list to begin with? All accounts should be visible to be matched.

What is this, a game or social engineering? Do not play lists are bad.

DNP gives a milti-accounter a ridiculous advantage at the top tier. Mutual loss is the only fair solution I can think of for this situation.