Splinterlands Week 3 : Finding Time

in #splinterlands5 years ago

Hello Steemians,

It has taken me over 2 weeks to complete just 7 days of rewards due to lack of time.
But I have managed to do it and here is what my Rewards cards deck is looking like now.


Yes that is a gold foil Exploding Dwarf card you see there. Some how I managed to get lucky and pull this one on my season 2 End of season rewards.


Finishing in Bronze I netted me 9 rewards cards. My deck is really starting to expand now. I even managed to sell a highland archer as I seem to have no shortage of them rallying to my cause. I staked this payment so I can start earning rewards form my posts, as I earnt nothing from my last post even though it came to 0.30 Steem .
I hope I will be able to start earning some steem from posts and selling cards, to help develop my summoners.

I am slowly gaining DEC also. I'm thinking I can use this to buy Alpha Packs once I have enough. This will also help to develop my army.


I hope you are enjoying my journey here in the Slinterlands.
If you have any tips , suggestions or just want to say hi.
Feel free to do so in the comments below.