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RE: 新ギルド「Samurai Soul」について

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the kudos on the article and for your donation to the guild!
Yes, BRAWL has changed and most of the Japanese casual players would have quit if we had not made a serious move.
Because for many of them, the purpose of their gameplay was the sense of responsibility of being in charge of BRAWL.
If all the ACTIVE members were headhunted, the Japanese community would definitely have ended.
I will not accept anyone's invitations for a while and will concentrate on protecting the Japanese community. One of my goals is to create a Japanese community that will be fine without me one day.


Guild are profressional club. So head hunting is normal. The way to build a guild is to give players incentive, a sense of community and support.

I strongly believe that we need a superlative Japanese guild. Maybe soon this will be a L10 Guild and we will get Ueyuey back :)

Please do not take player movements personally, that is not the way professional clubs work. We offer incentive and we get players, it is as simple as that.

You are right.
I enjoy the gameplay and it is a good opportunity to learn at the same time the new challenge of managing an organization.
And I am in KOG. I am connected to you. There are many opportunities to learn.