U.S.A. vs. Japan Results & A commentary that gets more and more emotional.

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Gold Animated Sport Game Versus Screen Video (5).jpg

Thanks for your patience!
Thanks to those of you who watched the SPLTV streaming!

Unfortunately, I couldn't watch the streaming, but for those who wanted to enjoy the matches, I didn't dare to post the results at first, only the result videos of the matches The SPLTV archive will be uploaded tomorrow.

If you just want to know the results, please scroll down to the bottom of this article, right before the LLAC sponsor ads!

Now please enjoy the match!The order of the matches is the order in which they were actually fought.

There is no background music or sound effects!







Twitch archive(5/12)

Tournament Replay Video

Round 1 Diamond league

xsuilx VS hametaro

Round 2 Silver league

kira1995 VS zombie569

Round 3 league Random

dtoughstuff VS schnapoon(azipoon)

Round 4 Gold league

byzantinist VS hellslash

Round 5 Bronze league

mondroid(clove71) VS ueyuey

Gold Animated Sport Game Versus Screen Video (4).jpg

Explanation of the Matchup


Round 1 Diamond league

xsuilx VS hametaro

I think Hametaro in the first game put ARKEMIS THE BEAR with Forcefield and Protect at the tail end to counter SAND WORM, but this countermeasure was too much. 12-cost monsters not being able to participate in the attack feels risky.

Xsuilx concentrates their attacks with Taunt, and then fends them off well with Reflection Shield. Moreover, Snipe and Explosive Weaponry work well together: Hametaro can only damage one monster, while Xsuilx can damage three. The difference is huge.

For the rest of the match, Xsuilx's use of restorative abilities is very helpful, and anyone challenging the Diamond reague would do well to take a look at him!


初戦のHametaroはSAND WORM対策にForcefieldとProtectのあるARKEMIS THE BEARを最後尾に置いたのだと思うが、この対策は過剰すぎた。12コストのモンスターが攻撃に参加できないのはリスクが大きいと感じる。

XsuilxはTauntで相手の攻撃を集中させ、Reflection Shieldで上手にいなしている。しかもSnipeとExplosive Weaponryは相性がいい。Hametaroがダメージを与えられるのは1体だが、Xsuilxは3体だ。その差は大きい。

残りの試合はXsuilxの回復系アビリティの使い方が非常に参考になる。Diamond reagueに挑戦する人は彼を参考にするといいだろう!

Round 2 Silver league

kira1995 VS zombie569

When I saw the rules for the first round, I thought I would team up with ZAKU to take advantage of LAVA SPIDER and FIRE BEETLE's Snipe. That strategy would probably be the most stable. I'm sure everyone else thinks so too.

However, everyone gets nervous when they have to take on the responsibility of team competition. I was also confused in my own games! Perhaps Kira1995 forgot that this fight is at Reverse Speed. And Zombie569 may have known this, but he left out the possibility that his opponent would choose ZAKU.

This tournament is also a battle against my own nervousness and panic.

KIRA, back on form, defeated MYLOR CROWLING's team in the third round under the Up Close and Personal rule. A brilliant VRUZ strengthened the DRAGON JUMPER to give them more chances to attack.

If I were to team up for the third round under the Up Close and Personal rule, I would have gone with ZAKU. In that case, I would have lost to Zombie569. However, his predictions did not mesh well this time, and he was eliminated.
The U.S. team was already out of reach and about to finish off the Japanese team!


初戦のルールを見たとき、ぼくならZAKUでLAVA SPIDERとFIRE BEETLEのSnipeを活かすようなチームを組むと思った。多分その作戦が一番安定するはずだ。みんなもそう思うだろう?

だけど、チーム戦の責任を背負って戦うとみんな緊張してしまう。ぼくも自分の試合は混乱したものだ!恐らくKira1995はこの戦いがReverse Speedであることを忘れている。そしてZombie569はわかっていたかもしれないが相手がZAKUを選ぶ可能性を捨てている。


調子を取り戻したKIRAは3戦目、Up Close and PersonalルールでMYLOR CROWLINGのチームに勝利。見事VRUZがDRAGON JUMPERを強化して攻撃のチャンスを増やした。


Round 3 league Random

dtoughstuff VS schnapoon(azipoon)


Let me start off by saying. It's my game, so the explanation will be long. Sorry.

For me, this was a revenge match for Splinterfest 2022. I never thought it would come true like this.
Moreover, if I lost, it would be the end for the Japanese team. I was on the edge of a cliff, and my spirits were running high.

The League Random format is a roulette game in which each time you play against a player, you choose the league you will play in.

In the first game, Gold was on the defensive, but was crushed by a strong offensive.
Frankly, I was quite impatient.

For the second game, Bronze, I threw in the first configuration that I thought was the only one for this team. I thought about playing Sneak, but I am very glad I didn't. I wasn't thinking straight anymore. My head wasn't in the game anymore, but I was able to win one game and lose one game. I felt a little more relaxed.

The third game was Silver. I decided that normally I would pick the ZAKU team; Target Practice and Blast go well together.

So I chose LIR to compete with ZAKU. Of course, I considered the possibility of VALNAMOR, but since TINDERLOCK had Silence, I thought that a VALNAMOR team without Legend could not beat ZAKU.

However, my prediction was wrong. Dtough at this time must have been wary of VALNAMOR. The order of the teams was uncomfortable because I could not read his intention. Maybe he was in a hurry too. He managed to win. One more win to go!

In the fourth game, I was in a hurry. At first I was thinking about VALNAMOR, but suddenly I felt that ZAKU was stronger and IMMORTALIS scared me. I also thought that the LIR team would be wary of each other since I had just played them, and that they would not play me. But this is a Silver League feeling. I should not have brought it into the diamond league. I had only 20 seconds left, but it was already too late for me to start teaming up with ZAKU.
The half-hearted ZAKU team lost miserably. 2-2 now.

In the fifth round of roulette, I was stuck in the Silver League, my best league. No matter how much I cried and screamed, this was the last time. When I saw the rules, I knew this was the only way. If they countermeasure this, I could honestly give up. I was convinced that this was the team to beat.

If you have been watching my project "Defeat azipoon" on SPLTV, you know me well. It's the Martyr operation of the LAMA team that everyone loves!

Thanks to everyone who challenged me on streaming, I won. Thank you so much.







3戦目はシルバー。普通ならZAKUチームを選ぶと判断した。Target PracticeとBlastの相性はいい。





SPLTVでぼくがやっている企画「Defeat azipoon」を見てくれている人ならよく知っていると思う。みんな大好きなLAMAチームのMartyr作戦だ!


Round 4 Gold league

byzantinist VS hellslash

The Japanese team was able to pull through and pass the baton from me to Hellslash. The Japanese team was no longer hopeless, but to be honest, this was the moment of truth. Everyone believes ueyuey is going to win. He had the power to make the whole team believe it.

But what about Hellslash? He is great enough. But he was up against Byzantinist! We all watched this match with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.

The winner of the first match was Hell!
The combo of Dodge and Blind worked well.

In the second game, Byz did exactly the same thing to Hell! Hell seemed to be quite wary of Opportunity, but unfortunately missed the prediction.

In the third game, Byz simply chose the ability that matched the rules, and the game went to Byz. I also think Byz was more calm in his placement of VENARI MARKSRAT.
There was no time left for Hell. The Japanese team was once again on the edge of a cliff.

The fourth game was one of the most unusual and good plays of the tournament! I was so excited that he chose RULER OF THE SEAS under the counterspell rule.
But he was playing with the confidence that he could pull it off. I was amazed that he could make such an adventurous play at this cliffhanger.

The last play, as soon as everyone saw the sumoner already, they would have thought Byz had won.
When you look at the team, you even sigh and feel that they lost. In fact, the Byz team has a higher winning percentage.

But I don't know why, but Hell won. At first glance, it looked like Byz was making better use of Aim True, but it was CHAIN GOLEM that made the most use of it, and the timing of MAGNOR's Trample activation was perfect. Luck was on our side.

I was able to entrust the final game to the Japanese ace Ueyuey....






3戦目は単純にルールに合ったアビリティを選択したByzに軍配があがった。あとByzのほうがVENARI MARKSRATの配置を冷静に決められていたと思う。

4戦目は今大会屈指の珍&好プレー!!CounterspellルールでRULER OF THE SEASを選択するという暴挙に出たと思ってぼくは頭を抱えた。


しかし、なぜかわからないがHellが勝ったんだ。一見ByzのほうがAim Trueをうまく活用しているように見えたが、一番活用していたのはCHAIN GOLEMだった。MAGNORのTrample発動タイミングも完璧だった。幸運の女神が味方した。


Round 5 Bronze league

mondroid(clove71) VS ueyuey

The Japanese team came from rock bottom to catch up at the last minute and connect with ace ueyuey. The momentum should be with the Japanese team!

The first game was just barely won by ueyuey, which chose a team that could deal with some long-range attacks to the front while predicting the magic team.

Bronze has few abilities, so not much can be done to counter them. Therefore, the key to victory is choosing what to counter and what to give up.

I think the theory summoner of this game is JACEK or LIR. However, if that theory was used by mondroid, ueyuey would have lost. His choice looks very risky, but I can't help but be amazed at his competitive instinct to succeed in it.

I am sure mondroid would not have been happy with his choice of VALNAMOR, which he dared to go against the theory!

Next up were Equaliser, Wand Out, and Noxious Fumes, all of which were quite peculiar. This was another close match where one different placement on either side could change the outcome.

CABALIST is a rare card that allows Amplify to be used even in Bronze. This time, the winner was ueyuey who used this card well.

ueyuey reached first.
The third game was played with 43 mana in Close Range. This was a simple rule that changed from the previous games.

I thought PRINCE RENNYN would win this game. Perhaps mondroid thought so, too, which is why he did not add MUSHROOM SEER with Silence to his team, thinking it would be PRINCE RENNYN's mirror.

I would do the same. In my case, I would have chosen MYCELIC INFANTRY instead of UNICORN MUSTANG.

I think it is because ueyuey knows the Silver and Bronze leagues so well that he could have believed without hesitation that VALNAMOR would win.

He is too good at researching the opponent's main reague and favorite teams and identifying their handiwork.
I am really glad that we are not enemies.

So, the Japanese team won!
Good Games, U.S. team!

A big thank you to everyone who enjoyed this game and cheered us on, to the U.S. team who played against us, to our sponsor azircon, and to everyone else involved.

The next match will be scheduled in three months, European team vs. Japanese team.

We would like to continue to organize this event to make it even more exciting in the future.

Thanks for your support!







次はEqualiser、Wand Out、Noxious Fumesとかなりクセの強いルールだ。これもギリギリで、どちらかの配置が一つ違うだけで勝敗が変わるような試合だった。


3戦目は43マナのClose Rangeルール。今までと打って変わってシンプルなルールだ。

この試合で日本の勝利が決まったのだが、ぼくはPRINCE RENNYNが勝つと思った。恐らくmondroidもそう思ったからPRINCE RENNYNミラーになると思ってSilenceを持つMUSHROOM SEERをチームに加えなかったのだろう。

ぼくもそうする。ぼくの場合はタンクをUNICORN MUSTANGではなくMYCELIC INFANTRYにしていただろう。



アメリカチーム、Good Games!!!






Match results are as follows

Round 1 Diamond league
xsuilx 3-0 hametaro
win Team USA xsuilx

Round 2 Silver league
kira1995 3-1 zombie569
win Team USA kira1995

Round 3 league Random
dtoughstuff 2-3 schnapoon(azipoon)
win Team JPN schnapoon

Round 4 Gold league
byzantinist 2-3 hellslash
win Team JPN hellslash

Round 5 Bronze league
mondroid(clove71) 0-3 ueyuey
win Team JPN ueyuey

Overall results
Team USA 2-3 Team JPN
win Team JPN

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すごいレベルの高いゲームだ!ありがとう! !PIZZA


Great Match, Fantastic

Can't wait to see another Japan vs another country

Thank you! We will do our best to make the next one another great project.

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