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RE: New Reward Cards & Collection Power Update

in #splinterlands5 years ago

I just hope all goes well. I am sad that so many people are upset with the new changes, but as I have not invested a great deal in cards, I am not complaining. I have some nice cards that I received as rewards and do my best to help new players that have joined my Guild (Wolf Pack).

One of my members I loaned an extra Yodin Zaku (I have two of them). Just paying it forward as a number of players have loaned me and still are loaning me cards for some time now (@foggybottom, @demon402, @conan123, and others). As I have a decent deck now, maybe they may wish to lend those cards to other folks who could use the help or get them back to improve their power scores. These folks may have forgotten that they leased the cards to me.

The funny thing is that the new players contribute more to help my Guild than the members who are at Champion rank and have played for a long time. It is not a load of DEC, but at least they are consistent. Like my dad used to say, The poor will give you the shirt off their back and the pants to match, but the rich will steal your last nickel. Just an observation and not intended as an insult.

I often wondered how so many prizes could be given away. I understand the reason for the changes, but as a small investor in the game, I don't believe I have the right to argue with those that have spent hundreds of dollars investing in cards nor the developers/owners of the Splinterlands Company for trying to make the game economically sustainable.

I also have made it to Champion III a couple of times recently which got me excited. At my current power, I won't be able to do that in the future and will be in the Gold League. Oh well, it is what it is. It is my hope that everything works out.