Shauner's 42nd Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Guild

in #splinterlands2 years ago


Welcome to my 42nd #BrawlReport as part of the PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish guild! This is the brawl that ended around November 1, 2022 and I battled in Fray #1. If you haven't yet read my 41st Brawl Report where we succumbed to the Booty Lickers, be sure to check it out. Leave a comment with a butt pun and I'll send you some SBT :)

PIZZA 2 Guild Member Performance

I took the top spot this brawl with 5 wins and 2 losses, however @amaillo-m, @therizzo, and @blitzzzz all went undefeated in this brawl. Shoutout to @elokin for also racking up 5 wins too. Congrats!

PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Results

We earned 14 crowns and 754 merits for finishing in 2nd place in this brawl. This is a slight decline from our rewards in the last brawl for the same second place finish.

We ended up behind the first place team by 5 wins, although we had the same number of losses. The only reason that would happen is that we didn't have all of our frays filled up. I think losing out on a fray with lots of opponents in it is a problem when it comes to racking up enough wins for first place. We may need to get a bit better at ensuring frays with more than 3 or 4 opponents always get filled.

My Battles

My 5-2 record for this brawl was the result of six full battles with one of my opponents fleeing.

Featured Battles

Battle #2 - Loss

Watch the battle.

This battle is against the first place team in this brawl. With a rather high mana limit, I decided to combine the Llama summoner with two healing cards - Kron and Quora. Usually I place those two cards in the last position, but this time I decided to tweak things a bit and add a Goblin Psychic to further heal my first card.

Unfortunately, this strategy didn't work as my opponent used four Sneak attack cards to take out my back row. It turns out my use of a Goblin Psychic prolonged the first card's presence too long so the power of the Llama to boost my Quora never happened. This was a tough one to lose and the strategy of my opponent seemed perfectly tailored to disable a Llama-based strategy.

Battle #3 - Win

Watch the battle.

In this melee-only battle, I decided to go with a Llama/Quora combo. I love using the Quora card during these melee-only battle because she is able to sneak in a magic attack ability too.

My cards didn't do much damage until Quora made it to the first position and the Llama benefits kicked in. Once that happened, her Bloodlust ability took over and made quick work of defeating my opponents.

Battle #6 - Win

Watch the battle.

This is another rather high mana battle and I really like these since it lets me put my big cards to work. In this case, I'm using a Yodin summoner with a double-Bloodlust frontline of attack. I'm reducing my opponent's melee attack by one with my Disintigrator and throwing in a Lava Launcher in the back to deal 4 damage range attacks.

The 5 speed of my opponent's first two cards was a pain in the ass to deal with, but thankfully my Chimney Wallstop was able to overcome and start building up his Bloodlust powers to outlast the others. This was a win, but could have easily gone the other way if I didn't have my double-bloodlust up front.

Final Thoughts

This was a pretty good showing on my part, but I'm always a little bummed when I lose to the team that takes first place in the brawl. However, our continued performance of top-3 finishes is really awesome and I hope we can keep it going. We are earning enough merits each brawl to get nearly half of a Gladius case. One of these days I'll need to do a Gladius case opening post to share what I have received so far. Many of my non-GF gladiators have been upgraded to level 2 now.

With the newly proposed game rules that make using higher level cards more necessary, I'll have to start looking at renting higher level summoners for these brawls so I can take full advantage of the higher level Gladiator cards I have now.

What is the #BrawlReport?

kennysgaminglife spearheaded the #BrawlReport project as a way to get PIZZA guild members more engaged in the @Splinterlands community. Here's what he had to say:

*Starting with the brawl that just ended, I've invited/asked members of the #HivePizza guild to publish a #BrawlReport, breaking down their highs & lows, where they need help, questions they have, strategies they love, and so on. The idea is to help us all reflect a bit, learn a bit, share a bit, earn a bit, and connect a bit :-)

Check out the latest update on the Hive Pizza token project. We also have an announcement in there about the newest PIZZA guild! We are up to four Splinterlands guilds now and are consistently well-ranking.

Check out the other recent #BrawlReport posts from the #HIVEPIZZA family:

@relf87 - Guild Brawls With Pizza 2 - How Many Battles Can Water Win?

@candnpg - Splinterlands - PIZZA Brawl Report

@blitzzzz - Splinterlands & PIZZA Brawl Report : My 55th Brawl Report

@kqaosphreak - Social Media Challenge, Brawl Report #52, March of the Pizza!

@vaynard86 - Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (Oct 28 - Nov 03)


@theacks - PIZZA Guild Brawl Report #4- A Heavy Dose of Quora

@funnel - Splinterlands Brawl Reports PIZZA 1 The Stuffed Crust


Thank you for the mention, go !PIZZA fam!

Always happy to boost the !PIZZA crew!

There is no shame losing to the winning guild. You had a great lineup, they just had the perfect counter in place. It's hard to anticipate. Excellent job, and way to make !PIZZA proud.

!PIZZA Power!

good job ...i really hope to see you grow and if you like one day to join PIZZA 1...

Thanks for the kind words! Not sure I'm on a path to !PIZZA 1 as I'm much too casual for the cutthroat competition that you guys face every time!

Yeah my Gladius commons are mostly up to Level 2 now. Nice wins!

Are you using higher level summoners to take advantage of the higher level cards? Since I'm a renter, I notice that rents are way way higher for some of those higher level summoners.

Hmm not really, apart from a Level 2 Kelya Frendul, the rest of my summoners are Level 1. I do have a few Epic summoners that allow the use of Level 2 Commons, that's about it.

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