Hello splinterlands lover, how are you guys doing? hope you guys are doing well. I am also doing well. After a long time i am back with a post for participating in splinterlands social media challenge. Every splinterlands fan is free to praticipate in social media challenge.
Exploding Dwarf is an common monster of fire splinter which editing is reward. It is really a good choice for mind and long mana caps battle. It's a good choice because it has many abilities like blast, piercing, retaliate and finally trample. It is a melee monster which have three melee attack at level 1 and six melee attack at max, i mean at level 10.
Blast: Does additional damage to monsters adjacent to the target monster. The monster with this abilities when attack his target then the next monster of enemy team will get half damage of first monster. Melee, range and magic monster can have this abilities.
Piercing: If melee or ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's armor, the remainder will damage the target's health. The monster with piercing abilities can attack the opponent monster health after breaking it's armor in one attack. Melee and range monster can have the abilities. Magic monster don't need this abilities because can only attack on monster health if rule set is on favour.
Retaliate: When hit with a melee attack, monster with retaliate have a chance of attacking their attacker. The opponent monster when attack with melee attack to the friendly monster then there is chance to attack the opponent monster. Everytime friendly monster with retaliate will not attack opponent monster.
Trample: When a monster with trample hit and kill it's target, it will perform on another attack on the next monster of enemy team. A friendly monster when attack opponent monster with melee attack and kill the monster then only trample monster have the abilities to attack the next monster.
LEVEL 1: In level 1 and 2 Exploding dwarf have only one abilities, which is blast. It have 3 melee attack, 2 speed with 1 health. You need only one card for level 1.
LEVEL 2: For making it level 2, you need to combine 3 cards. In level 2, it have 3 melee attack and speed wiith 1 health.
LEVEL 3: Level 3 Exploding Dwarf need to combine 5 cards. From level theee to five one mone abilities added which is piercing. It have three melee attack, 4 speed with one health.
LEVEL 4: 12 cards need to combine for level 4. In level 4 melee attack increase one and now it is 4. Speed, health and abilities are same as before.
LEVEL 5: level 4 and 13 more cards need to combine for level 5. In level 5 melee, health and abilities are same as before. But one speed increase and now it's 5.
LEVEL 6: Need 52 cards for making it level 6. Level 6 to 8, one new ability added which in retaliate. In level 6 melee attack, speed and health are same as level 5.
LEVEL 7: 53 and a level 6 card have to combine to upgraded it to level 7. In this level one melee attack increase. Speed, health and abilities are same as level 6.
LEVEL 8: In this level 172 cards need to combine. In level 8, one speed increased. Melee attack, health and abilities are same as before.
LEVEL 9: Level 8 and 133 cards have to combine for making it level 9. Level 9 to 10, one more ability added which in trample. In this level melee attack, speeed and health are same as previous level.
LEVEL 10: Here comes the max level card. 505 cards need to combine for maxing out. In this level one melee attack increased. Speed, health and abilities are same as level 9.
The Exploding Dwarf was my second max level card in gold foil because it used to be so cheap. It is a killer card and many fire players are putting it in the front to destroy their enemy tanks. It often works.
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar
This is one of my favorite fire card, is so powerful even it has defeated cards summoned by Yodin Zaku.
Yeah, mine also. Thanks for the upvote.