Hello everyone,
This blog is to record my battles with one player.
The player is very high-level. Often in top of leaderboard for Silver.
I usually only battle them in tournaments.
I can learn a lot from this player, so I am recording the battles here.
Then I can look back and learn more. Maybe this blog can help you also?
Have a great day!
Battle 1:
I knew the opponent liked Magic. It was revealed in a video online. So I tried to counter the strong Magic.
Battle 1: Attempt to counter Magic
Battle 2: The rules did not really allow for strong Magic. But somehow, they found a way. Congratulations again to my very strong opponent. I will keep trying.
I did use 3/6 monsters the same as my opponent, so I think I was on the right track.
Battle 3: Brawl with Little League rules
I thought I might have a chance this time because of Little League and the available Splinters (Fire, Life) don't really lend themselves to strong magic.
Boy was I wrong!
They found cards I've never seen before.
Congrats, @schnapoon
Battle 4: Didn't even scratch his armor
I've been doing better in the game. But @schnapoon is so much better now also. I didn't even get to damage him with my weak line up. But I will keep trying! Nice game!
Got to go against @mondroid today also. Server is serving me up to the heavy hitters for some reason. Oh well, still completed my daily.
Battle 5: Supremely underpowered
I just had no chance on this one. So much so that the loss only cost me 3 Rating Points.