Will the following pre-sales have more secure systems in place for pooling? I feel like we all believe in this project and everyone here is trust worthy, but it feels unnatural to trust anyone in the crypto space. It would be super awesome if we had an option to handle this through our guilds. Zagorlord is doing great, but we're asking a lot of him to handle this for us. I wouldn't want to take on that responsibility. Things can just go wrong and the desire to escape that is what drew a lot of us into the blockchain world to begin with.
I totally understand you guys didn't anticipate this kind of response, but some of us have been around long enough to understand this has more potential than most of us can even fathom, so we're along for the ride. I enjoy the bonuses the guilds bring to the game, but this expansion is next level and it would be nice if we could keep up a little easier going forward. This has the feel of a mad rush... and I can appreciate that, but I'd also like to have some degree of stability within my community if that's appropriate for your vision.