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RE: SPL to the Moon!

in #splinterlands3 years ago

aggroed — 09/01/2022
What do you think it'll take for this to really heat up again?

I would reassign the 2 teams from the other games back to splinterlands and have them develop 2 completely new tutorials for new players,maybe something with lvls or something that gives cards as reward that only work on that account. Then I would chose the best one and implement it into the game. Then I would start by finding a way to protect new players from bot fights as the bot's have a clear advantage and there's nothing worse in a video game than losing to a bot. Maybe even man up and own the bot issue and add a ticker for account's bot/human( Or just ban them like any normal video game). And stop it with the delayed rewards everything has a timer now. All we want as players is to fight the other guy and prove we are better than him and after that fight to get our reward. Maybe try out a battle pass?


Delayed Rewards: Next article in the series, TBH
New Player Experience: Next 'chapter' of the series.

I felt like, the Order of Importance for these things should be:
Keep the players we already have by Increasing Engagement
Improve the New Player Experience, to move those who are 'trying out' the game past the barriers to entry and into becoming Players.