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RE: Anyone Know What's Up with the Town Hall Summaries?

in #splinterlands3 years ago

I miss your summaries. I want to keep up on the game since I have so much invested in it and your summaries of the townhall, sometimes there articles, and talking to @jarvie are how I do it.

Great ideas about the other commentaries too. So fun that you are coming back to the US. If it is this early it looks like you won't make it to Splinterfest?


Hi Sara!!

Thanks so much for your kind words! You're lucky to have Jarvie to chat to about it. I often wonder what his thoughts are on the matter but he's busy so I hate to be a bother. I don't think I'll be able to make it to Splinterfest sadly. I'm not sure of the price even for the event and I need to budget. You were debating it; have you decided yet? I wish we had more information on it because perhaps I could find a way to make it work but as of right now, I am leaning towards no.

I am definitely leaning towards no too. I would go to see Scotty and Sergio and I will see them at HiveFest in September.