Twitter has lifted their ban on Splinterlands ! Huge win for the hive community! Who wins the gold foil card?

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Fuck YOu (1).gif

made in canva | screenshot of card from splinterlands

Hello Splinterpeeps!

First of all! Huge win for @Splinterlands! They have their account back! That's great news!

For a game like this it is important to have exposure to a wide audience and as long there is no #projectblank twitter will remain a main channel of communication for many projects alike.

In total we had 13 tweets sharing this article and I am sure it has been retweeted a few times :)
our thirteen warriors of "whitebird evilcorp" gave #freesplinterlands a lot of exposure!

The Warriors of Twitter:


Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-10 um 14.16.30.png

And the winner of our gold foil cursed slimeball is:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-10 um 14.17.25.png

Congratulations! (a few minutes after this post is online you will receive your card!)

What else happened in the Splinterspace?

Well biggest news is the launch of rental 2.0
IDK how you feel about this feature but I simply love it! I have listed quite a few cards on the rental market feel free to browse through my collection and maybe you find a card you want to rent.

I have been very modest in prices compared to the market, should you find a card too expensive please feel free to contact me! Should my card not be the cheapest to rent well just rent the cheaper card. I won't go dumping prices that is not good for the overall market.

You can reach me on the discord of @acolytesofhelio which brings me to the next splinternews:

Our guild is expanding! We have set up a new guild and our official announcement will go live on our guild account! SOONDAY™ we will post about our plans and visions for our guild.

We are calling our project human base layer DAO (decentralized autonomous organization)
Human base layer because we use proof of gaming. By contributing actively on hive, discord and in-game.

I encourage everyone who is not in a guild yet to come to our official discord server and also to follow our official guild account.

What is so special about our guild? Briefly we want to create a guild structure where everyone contributes on a "what you can give" basis. We have holdings in several blockchain games and are expanding in all kinds of directions. We want to make the play to earn experience lucrative and fun for all our guild mates. We are not looking for powerhouses with tons of DEC and huge card collections. We are looking for active members on both hive and discord. Proof of gaming, proof of community, proof of brain!

I don't wanna give away too much but plans are looking pretty good. Perks of our guild will be all kinds of nice stuff!

Are you ready for the next giveaway?

This one is going to be a little different just to keep your brains working :)

Go to the Splinterlands rental market of your choice and look for @solymi look what cards I am renting out and tell me which of those would be a nice addition to your collection.
If you start to see dollarsigns I have to warn you you will not be winning the card!

You will be granted a free delegation of that card, or should it be rented out by that time, any other card of your choice. Wow not nice? Well but guess what you can choose any card I listed on the market, so you will probably not go for a level one maggot. You will have it for free for 30 days straight! Maybe even longer since I forget a lot of stuff...

But I wanna win card!

Ok ok ok...

The card that you will win is this one:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-10 um 15.08.40.png

What do you need to do? Well the same as the others! Go to the rental market and look for the cards I have available for rent and tell me which one you want to have delegated to you!

Should your splinterlands name be different from the one you use in the comment please let me know your SL username!

What I can win a card and a free delegation? Thats 2 cards right? Now you are grasping it!
#proofofbrain at its finest!

Good luck

If you are not playing splinterlands yet, make an account here: splinterlands


Would love to use that gold level 2 Wizard of Eastwood, I like either but having both a free card and a leveled summoner is even better.


@solymi denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@solymi thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Lir Deepswimmer UNTAMED please so i can get out of bronze @REDANTZ

Noted, but I think both of them are rented out you have to filter for not delegated and for rent on peakmonsters

are rented o

a golden warchang? thank you @solymi





@kursen, you've been given LUV from @solymi.

Learn about LUV at @LUVshares. (2/3)

That Twitter ban was really something else, so much shit, and for what?!

Your ideas for the new guild sound very interesting. I didn't see an announcement post, so I assume it hasn't gone live yet. I'd definitely like to join a guild, but am not sure if I'm 'good enough' yet.

I checked your 'rented out' on the SL site and I wouldn't mind trying Yodin Zaku or Lobstradamus.

The guild has been created already, there was no announcement yet. Hand in your request to Disciples of Helio guild. and hop on our discord! Those cards are rented out. Check on peakmonsters and filter for rent: yes | delegated: no you will for sure find a card that you want delegated :)




@oceanbee, you've been given LUV from @solymi.

Learn about LUV at @LUVshares. (3/3)

Thanks for the info.
Oaken Behemoth or Axemaster then, should they be available.
I had a look at the Disciples of Helio - and, is it only for scholarships/sponsorships? I already own a spellbook.

No no but we have two scholar accounts even 3 soon to onboard new players.
It is good and you are active on hive thats exactly what we are looking for :)
follow @acolytesofhelio account and hop on our discord!

Okay, will do 😃

Thanks for continuing to do these giveaways. I would love to use that lvl 3, gold, Mother Khala. !LUV


Hey @horstman5, here is a little bit of BEER from @solymi for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I would like to use that Oaken Behemoth card. I use the earth splinter deck quite a bit but I don't know if this card would be worth adding to my line-up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That card is killer! It attacks twice also good in weak magic ruleset because it takes 4 armor per round ;)
Its quite expensive though but I used it in lo mana matches as well paired with a Goblin Thief
There is only one problem I don't see it listed and free :( it has been rented. But you can choose an other card...



@jfang003! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

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War chaang will be nice...




@irisworld! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

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@solymi, you were given LUV from @horstman5. About LUV:

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Forgive my ignorance, but I nave never rented a card before. Is there a trick to finding the ones that you rented out?

Posted via

you can check here: then filter for

Kewl!! I'll have to make a note of the URL to be able to look for cards from others. Thanks for the info.

It would be nice to be able to rent a legendary summoner, but it appears all of those are already rented. With that said, I think the Gold War Chaang would be a great help. I've been wanting to check one of those out and a gold one would be wonderful!

Posted via

War chang is a must have for close range ruleset :) It attacks twice then :) Same for vigilator that one even attacks four times from position 1 :)
Much !LUV

@solymi, sorry!

You can call the LUV bot a maximum of 3 times per day.

I would like the axemaster please. It would definitely help alot!!

Hey thanks for participating again!
Noted lets hope nobody else rents it before the draw.



@koition! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

Thank you so much! Great initiative!!

First off. Cheers for the Slimeball.

Second. The Oaken Behemoth would be great. Need to figure out if I really need one.

Hehe you are welcome!
Oaken Behemoth is good but it has been rented by someone. I am planning on buying some of these cards so stay tuned meanwhile you can filter for the not delegated cards.

@magooz, you were given LUV from @solymi. About LUV:

A gold War Chaang would be nice @cadama




@cadama! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (3/10)

I would like to win

You will have to read the post and answer the question :)

gold war chaang would be great. if not, gold living lava please! thank you :)) @chinotek


Gold Mother Khala LVL3 will do bro! Cheers

Noted! !PIZZA



@john9inch! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)


Hey @john9inch, here is a little bit of BEER from @solymi for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

would love camila sungazer to see if she is so useful, that she could be worth buying

In my honest opinion all Summoners regardless of rarity are worth buying :)
no financial advice!
and noted!



@jdike! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/10)

but so are ressources always limited :D

I would like to get a War Chaang

Rental market is crazy right now! Hopefully I will be able to make your wish come true :)



@irisworld! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

Fingers crossed :))

Is it too greedy to ask for that Yodin Zaku? Because that Yodin is looking mighty fine!

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Why would it be greedy, if it is still a available at time of draw and you win you will be provided :)



@vocalfilter! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @solymi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

One of those Legendary Summoners would be great. I'd prefer Zaku if he is still available.
Thank you for doing these interesting giveaways. !LUV ❤️




@solymi, you've been given LUV from @amaari.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. Daily limits change soon, check @LUVshares (3/3)

Noted :)
Yeah I wonder why nobody rents it now :)

Hey @amaari, here is a little bit of BEER from @solymi for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.