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RE: Splinterlands DHF Proposal

in #splinterlands8 months ago (edited)

Pay us or else we move!! is what I am reading. I feel the words can be better phrased as "we will be forced to pursue other chains alongside hive." I understand that you are VC-backed, but if investment is your concern, then you need to be more clear on how the funds are going to be used to avoid any future mismanagement. To be clear, no one is asking for specifics, but a general use of funds: X for marketing, X for development.

Also, while I absolutely adore what you and aggroed have made since it introduced me to Hive and set me on the path of game development, it pains me to say that the ask is too much.

We have a full Windows launcher, an interactive Windows game and another roguelike coming at the end of this month with mobile releases coming next month, and this is at a fraction of your ask. Games in web3 take money, yes, but I have seen more cases of mismanagement, and I feel that if you are sincere about not repeating mistakes, you will share with us more details on what you are going to do with the funds and how you are going to ensure no misuse.

If this is uncomfortable, then that should not be the case, as you have obviously made pitch decks to investors, and they ask for even more details.

I truly wish for a revival for Spl, but I love Hive more than Spl.


Pay us or else we move!! is what I am reading.

That may be what you're reading, but that's not what was written or at all what was intended or what is the reality. We have no plans to move off of Hive whether or not we get support from the DHF, however it is important to understand that if we are not able to support the game on Hive going forward then it's quite possible that we may be forced to move by a future investor or purchaser.

I have seen more cases of mismanagement, and I feel that if you are sincere about not repeating mistakes, you will share with us more details on what you are going to do with the funds and how you are going to ensure no misuse.

Yes, it was seriously mismanaged which is what got us in this position. Since then, the company leadership has completely changed for precisely that reason. I don't know how we "ensure no misuse", but since the change in leadership we have reduced expenses immensely, stopped putting resources into anything except the core Splinterlands game product, and are working on improving the onboarding experience so we can start running marketing and promotional campaigns to bring more users to the game, and therefore to Hive.

It's definitely the impression I got. Respectfully you are a for profit company who's been around for 7 years. If it's not profitable now it's likely not going to be later. Respectfully a for profit biz shouldn't be getting these funds. Respectfully my opinion

Not to mention in reply above you admit funds at your company were totally mismanaged! This is crazy

Everything u said! I am so against this. It’s a for profit company and this just isn’t gonna end well.