Splinterlands Epic Card Profile - Lunakari Mistress

Behold the daughters of the moon,
The shining in their eyes,
Whose power will be realized soon,
By war and by surprise.

Moon Maid's Melody, author unknown

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Lunakari Mistress

Splinter - Khymeria

Set - ΛZMΛRÉ Dice

Class - Mystical Sorceress

Size - The only traits that differentiate the Lunakari Mistresses who have settled in Khymeria from Humans and Khymians are that they are very tall and have long, pointed ears. They also tend to have blue hair, but blue hair can be found among elves, humans, mer, khymians and more. There are only about a dozen Lunakari who have descended and settled in Khymeria. On average, they are 50% taller than Khymian women and all have blue hair.

Lifespan - Khymian scholars have no reason to yet believe that the mistresses of Lunaki live longer than their human cousins of the Splinterlands. Some have theorized that they live in some elongated form of youth because every one of the mistresses has the appearance of a young woman. They also exhibit a strange wisdom, the type of wisdom that can typically be found only in mages who are approaching 100. The Dragon masters, who are infamous for their pursuit of various fountains of youth have noticed these coincidences as well, and are now keeping a close eye on these sorceresses from the sky. The Lunakari speak of mothers in such a way that it has become clear that they were born to women, not delivered from the sky as the Khymians are. This is how it is known that they are more closely related to humans than to Khymians.

Habitat - The great descent began less than a year ago, and already several dozen women of Lunaki have landed and made homes in the Splinterlands. Because their home world continues to break apart and disintegrate beneath their feet, they have no choice but to continue their journeys on the ground. Throughout most of the Splinterlands, the mistresses take precautions to fit into their surroundings and settle seamlessly among the people where they descend, but in Khymeria, the women have been especially prideful, calling attention to themselves and their home. They allude to ancient wars such as the War of Sons and Daughters, about which today’s Khymians know nothing, and they believe that the Khymian land truly belongs to the Lunaki. Still, throughout the Splinterlands, Lunakari Mistresses descend two by two and settle quietly among cities and villages without being noticed. While there seems to be some disagreement among the Lunakari women about the degree to which they should allow themselves to be noticed, the majority of the women behave as if they are on the run from something dangerous.

Weapon - The Lunakari Mistresses of Khymeria do not tend to carry weapons, even though they have proven their proficiency in using them by sparring warriors in Shimmer City. They can handle staves, bows, swords and knives, but these ancient weapons (as they call them) are but toys to them. Because of the powerful lunar magic at their command, their hands are their favorite weapons. In essence combat, when a Lunakari Mistress prepares to attack, her entire body shows signs for several moments leading up to the magical surge. First, her hands glow with a pale green light. Then her eyes will turn into hot red orbs that and burn the eyes of anyone who looks directly at them. Finally, her hair will rise up into the air as if she is suddenly weightless. These signs disappear immediately when the Lunakari Mistress releases her crippling projectile burst. The recovery from her discharge is quick and in mere moments she is ready to charge again.

Diet - They say that in a few places of the world, such as the southern Emberlands of the Burning Lands and the depths of the ΛZMΛRÉ jungles, people must eat insects to survive. Some Kobolds even view certain species of cave-dwelling beetles as delicacies, a taste that is laughable to the Dragons, who would never eat a bug even if their lives depended on it. The Lunakari women from the sky have apparently been raised on a majority diet of insect meat. Since their arrival they have told stories of the massive and delicious insects that grow on their beloved floating continent of Lunaki, but they can find nothing like them in the Splinterlands. There were bugs for roasting, bugs for stew-making and bugs that were perfect for raw consumption. This habit was never strange to the daughters of the moon; it was simply how they ate. In addition to the insects of the Splinterlands being much smaller than those from Lunaki, they are incredibly sparse in Khymeria since the Obliteration of Light. The Lunakari Mistresses in the Life Splinter are now doing their best to develop new tastes and eating habits, but sadly, none of the provision trees of Khymeria remind them properly of the insects of home. They can only hope that they are larger insects elsewhere in the Splinterlands (Praetoria perhaps) and that their sisters abroad are having better luck than they are.

Allies - The Khymian Lunakari Mistresses behave as if they have official protections from the Order of the Silver Shield. Khymeria does not usually accept visitors or migrations, but the officials have clearly looked away from these women, who make no secret of the fact that they are from a land far away. Furthermore, they spread the idea that the Khymian lands belong to them, making it even more peculiar that they have not been intercepted by the Khymian law, which usually keeps its citizens on very tight leashes. Because of these things, rumors in Khymeria are that the daughters of the moon have befriended the Order somehow, perhaps striking a deal with them before the great descent even began.

Enemies - The women of Lunaki have made it clear that they have gained many enemies through their generations of what they call exile. Their greatest enemy has not found its way to the Splinterlands. They warn Khymians, “you had better hope that the Solakari do not find their way to the ground as we have. They’ll make slaves of you all.” Then they spit on the ground in hatred. The daughters of the moon also seem to have quarrel with the Angels themselves, often alluding to old betrayals and relationships long past. These stories are simply baffling to common Khymians, from whom the existence of the floating continents has always been hidden thanks to great efforts of the Order of the Silver Shield. The Lunakari do not trust Dragons, who continue to eye them at Mount Mox with an unmistakable appetite for their youth and beauty. No matter how many new enemies the Splinterlands throws at them, the daughters of the moon will persevere and grow their culture in this new home, a home that should have been theirs all along.

Pastimes - Because the ground of the Splinterlands is so new to them, the daughters of the moon spend a great deal of time simply walking and observing their surroundings. In the Khymian countryside, they are almost always found in pairs, strolling silently so they can listen to the sounds of every natural thing in the world. They also spend time walking about at night, when most Khymians are afraid to venture out due to the Crystal Werewolves. In the light of Khiara, the Khymian moon, the Mistresses glow a bright and hypnotic green and can be seen from very far off. They are not attacked by the Werewolves or any other wild creature of the night, as the beasts are frightened by the glow… as they should be.


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