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RE: $2 Conclave Arcana Packs? Let's Do It!

in #splinterlands2 months ago

I honestly think we need more real discussion, take in account teams funding.

I think maybe lowering the price might be the wrong angle, but maybe we need an angle the essentially does the same thing.

The amount of card required to max is absurd and likely a huge barrier of entry for new players once they understand that.

I do thing we need the game to be even more affordable than a $2 pack equivalent, but maybe something cool for big spenders that doesn't break the gameplay for others to keep the team funded.

more game modes with league caps might be an awesome goal too. Create a fun space for casual players with limited income.

we need kids to be able to afford this game if we want it to have a chance to go big.


The introduction of survival mode may help with giving the whales a bigger pond to play in? But I agree. More accessible entry points will encourage more people to participate in the ecosystem, and could help grow the playerbase. Cheers!