Splinterlands: The New Season is coming - Lets find out the cheapest cards to boost you Collection Power

in #splinterlands4 years ago (edited)


Hey Splintertalkers,

As we know the news season will start soon, then I belive that is important to continue the topic about Collection Power (CP).

Considering the importance that the CP started to have and although I believe that renting can be more advantageous I decided to do a research to find out the cheapest cards related to their burn value (CP). All prices were obtained through the website PeakMonsters.

In order to understand the CP/USD ratio we will use the burning values ​​for each card as shown in the table below:


I will first present the results related to the Gold Foil cards starting with the Gold Foil Legendary cards:


High Priest Darius_lv1_gold.png

For example if we need 150000 CP it is cheaper to buy 3 High Priest Darius than 1 Lord of Fire. However the goal is to show the lowest cost per CP considering the purchase of a single card.

Let's see now about the Gold Foil Epic cards:


Shadowy Presence_lv1_gold.png

Again we can see that buying 3 Shadowy Presence is cheaper than buying a single Mermaid Healer

Following, we will find the best Gold Foil Rare card option!



Again we can get 6000 CP cheaper buying 2 Boogeyman than 1 Undead Archer

So let's finish analyzing Gold Foil Cards checking the best option of Gold Foil Common


Screeching Vulture_lv1_gold.png


Regular Cards

Although I believe that Regular cards do not pay off since Gold Foil cards offer the benefit of collecting 10% more DEC for each card on the team I did the same research to figure out the best Regular cards to buy or at least to think about.

Let's check the Regular Legendary Cards


Gloridax Magus_lv1.png

Gloridax Magus is the cheapest Legendary card available but we should consider the cheapest CP not the cheapest cards, after all 1 High Priest Darius GOLD FOIL provides 50000 CP and costs $36,42 while buying 50 x Gloridax Magus would cost $37,00 (50 x $0,74).

Regular Epic Cards


Fire Spitter_lv1.png

Again we can see that buying 2 Fire Spittercards is cheaper than buying only 1 Mermaid Healer. What besides saving us some money will allow us to combine the cards to obtain a higher level card.

Regular Rare Cards


Gremlin Blaster_lv1.png

Regular Common Cards


Ettin Spearman_lv1.png

Regarding rare and common cards, I will particularly invest only in the ones I will use to play since they do not provide such a high CP gain.

What about you? Do you intend to buy or rent some cards to improve your CP for the next season?

Thanks for reading! A supreme hug!


If you haven't played Splinterlands yet, join us!


Waiting for you all on the battlefield! ⚡️ Supreme Magus



Fantastic work to compare all the various prices of the cards and their burn value. This post can help a lot of players to ramp up their Collection Power for the new season. Thank you!



Thank you so much @monster-curator! My intention was precisely to bring information that could help in taking decisions!

A great Splinterlands post and video! Nice job! ~@clove71