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RE: Speculation on Legendary Water Summoner based on Modern League

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Great insight! While I was hoping Water's Legendary summoner would get a +1 Melee boost, I can see from your example above why that isn't likely to happen. Perhaps if River hadn't have rececived Inspire it would have been possible, but it seems like it would be too OP if they did that now. I do like your conjecture on the ranged focus and I think you have put together a pretty compelling 3 abilities that could make a ranged Legendary summoner quite valuable. Close range and Shatter help reduce ranged monsters' main weaknesses. I would definitely be interested in a Water Legendary summoner with those 2 abilities along with +1 ranged damage! (crossing fingers)


Thanks Synist3r! I appreciate your feedback! Many people were excited by the idea of a melee blue summoner. That was the speculation for kelya but already water is so melee powerful thanks to chaos monsters. I'd be surprised if they do. If so, then it will be extremely powerful! I may not rule it out entirely as legendary summoners like yodin have been OP but fair game.