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RE: Riftwatchers: Success, debrief, request, proposal, and future sale plans

in #splinterlands2 years ago

This is a fair solution for this particular instance. Moving forward, the technicals of whatever future scheme is decided for the next sale have to be implemented well. There should not have been a question as to whether or not you qualified for presale, as pack 500,001 should have been impossible to acquire before the general sale. So far as I figured, the general sale would occur at the same time the set released. Otherwise the first 500K aren't really a presale at all, merely the first minted. The next sale should probably include better guard rails to more clearly delineate these phases. Basically all of the recent releases have shown massive hype, but it's gotten a tad muddy after the fact in some cases. Here we are now, I suppose we're just staying in general sale? Adds doubt that doesn't need to be there.

Overall though, those numbers are impressive and show a thriving community. It's cool to be a part of that.