Adelaide Redlyn - Chap 1 Part 2

in #splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

Adelaide Redlyn Choose The Path.jpeg

Bread in hand, Adelaide paused. Maybe now, in a cold alleyway, was not the best place for lunch. Stowing the loaf safely once more, she looked around. The alley simply wasn't inviting, this would not do for a picnic spot. She had done enough work for the day, it was time to find a nice spot to relax and enjoy her meal.

And her loot.

Turning to follow this new line of thinking she ran directly into a man who had entered the alley. Startled, Adelaide recoiled and immediately assumed a defensive posture, hand hovering near the knife she kept hidden on her hip.

The man had a hood pulled over his head, casting shadows across the upper part of his face, leaving his mouth and jawline exposed. The sinister grin told Adelaide enough, she turned and ran, pulling over crates and barrels as she went. The sound of heavy boot-falls from behind spurred her faster.

She jumped over the sleeping form of Jerrycan Jake, who was startled enough to stand up and cause her pursuer to stumble over the disheveled man.

"Thanks Jake!" Adelaide yelled excitedly over her shoulder. Grabbing an old shop sign tightly, she slid around a corner on one knee and underneath a cracked piece of wall into what used to be a basement. She needed to get to the sewers, she knew them better than anyone else in town.

The first sound of splintering wood gave her the extra energy she needed to cross the debris strewn room in record time. An old sewer grate was embedded in the floor here, a grate she very astutely made sure to always keep unlocked for occasions such as this. What lay below was a network of pipes that ran deep below, winding their way downwards like a spiral slide. Not a pleasant escape route but very much a functional one.

As she slammed the grate behind her and threw the chunk of iron in the way of it opening. She paused for a second to catch her breath and tried to listen. A gasp was pulled out of her as the grate was yanked on. Once, twice, then a loud bang as whoever her assailant was seemed a bit angry about losing her.

Adelaide shrugged. Wasn't the first time she'd given someone the slip. Probably won't be the last either. Though usually she did at least know who was chasing her. She wondered who it was and why she was the target.

Shrugging to herself she began to walk deeper into the sewers, pulling the bread out as she went and taking a huge bite.

"Still warm," she mused around a mouthful of bread. Chewing and humming to herself she moved off into the tunnels.

Today's Choice!

It's a simple one and no preamble:

A) Left

B) Right

C) Straight Ahead

Let me know below what choice you want Adelaide to make and don't forget to follow to be entered in the random card giveaway after each part of the story.

Chap 1 Part 1 Wrap Up

This was option B from everyone's choices last time. Choice A would have been interesting, but Choice C would have seen Adelaide very unprepared for the assailant's chase... it would have ended very differently.

Total "Points" (as I have yet to brand them with a catchy name) last time were: 36

That unlocked a Common Card to be Given Away to one of my followers... and the card is:

silvershield warrior.PNG

I mean, a town guard did accost her and that card seemed to fit the bill. The winner of the card is:

@marcuswahl ! I already know your in game name... so I will send it right away.

I chose a random follower for this giveaway by using to generate the number needed.

Until next time, stay safe out there.



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Enjoying the story!

Can't wait to find out what comes next.

C - straight ahead

314 upvotes... wow

even before the choice is decided, thats a legendary card up for grabs next time... don't forget to follow up top to be entered in the giveaway :)

A - To the left