I hope everyone is staying safe and having a good day. Now lets give away 250 DEC to one of you fellow monsters. Yesterdays winner of 250 DEC was the one and only @gregory-f, congrats my friend. Go give him a follow and some love, 250 DEC already sent.
Today's Give Away
Comment if you are a fan or even know about Zoom.
That is all for today I will see you all tomorrow.
I use zoom a lot! Almost everyday
Just used them for the first time two weeks ago. Not much of a fan. Thank you for the DEC also!
I have had zoom conferences. But at work we use Microsoft Team (:
Sick of zoom. 😂
I use zoom pretty much everyday.
Nope... negative
I know only ZOOM in a photo lens :D
heard of it, but that's all
Heard about it, did not use it yet.
Before covid: never heard about it
After covid: never without
I strongly dislike zoom.
I don't know what is zoom.
I didn't know about it until the quarantine started.
I don't get why it's such a hype.
What's the big benefit compared to other video chat platforms? Skype is still more convenient and more secure.