Story to my Drawing of a demonized Flesh Golem

in #splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

Concerns this Drawing

This is basically a supplemental post to the drawing I submitted to the Splinterlands Art Contest.
I wrote a story about the image, which can be read here for anyone interested.
Feel free to let me know what you think of the story.


"He just doesn't perform the way I expect him to anymore," Llam whispered to himself "a shame, with me investing so many Dark Energy Crystals in him. It's not that he hasn't brought me enough, but to go limp after such a short time just because new competitors have been discovered in the Splinterlands and joined the arena. He just needs to get more out of himself..." "Master?" he heard a soft, yet quite furious cackle. "The battle is about to begin. Flesh Golem is already in the arena."
Furious Chicken for one, Llam didn't expect more from him. It was a simple Chicken and it shouldn't take more than one hit, and it does that reliably in every fight, not costing him mana or tons of DEC in the process.
"Yes, right away" said Llama annoyed. He had to push Flesh Golem to its limits. There was no way around it. He didn't want to lose to Kron again. So he had to forcefully resort to Elixir, which the store was very reluctant to sell under the counter. Llama rose and strode down the long corridor to the arena.
The elixir of rage is supposed to double the monster's powers, and that must be enough to oust Kron from the arena for good, even if it might cause one or two side effects.
LLama was dazzled by the brilliant light of the arena. Flesh Golem turned to face him. He didn't look good at all. His muscles seemed so pumped up and his eyes so tired. "Hello Master," he moaned with strain. "Don't worry, Flesh Golem, this one more fight and we'll finally be first in the league again. It'll be easier then." "Yes Master" he replied "I will do my best". He was visibly in pain.
He turned to the other end of the arena. Kron the Undiying strode through the archway with his head held high. He had that arrogant smile and was brimming with self-confidence. Llama tensed. So many times his team had been taken apart by Kron. "Fighters get ready!" he heard through the announcement. Flesh Golem and Kron moved toward the center of the arena. "Fill your fighters with mana!" Llama concentrated as he projected his mana onto Flesh Golem.
Flesh Golem charged. Kron stood still and focused his magical powers into a body-sized ball of energy. Flesh Golem almost reached him "Hiss" the energy ball shot towards Flesh Golem at high speed. A direct hit. He flies back several meters, landing on his back and head first, but flipping over several times due to the strong energy.
Fortunately, he gets back up because of his strong self-healing powers. First he staggers while Kron charges his next energy ball. Then he runs toward Kron again. Just before he can release the energy ball, Flesh Golem hits him in the stomach area with a full broadside. The remaining energy bursts and hits Flesh Golem in the head at the same time. Both sink to the ground. Llama can clearly see the pain caused by the rage potion in Kron's behavior. Was it right to give it to him? What it worth the suffering of his fighters to finally be back on top. While he was thinking like this, silence suddenly fell, followed by thunderous shouting in the audience. Flesh Golem did not move anymore. He lay lifeless on the ground. Llama ran. From the edge of the battlefield came a group of Wood Nymphs jumping.
But the help came too late. Flesh Golem was dead. Llama could barely stand on his feet. What had he done.
The following days he lived in seclusion. He canceled all fights, cut off contact with his fighters. Only he and his feelings of guilt were still present. "What have I done? If only I could undo it..." he said again and again. The guilt was eating away at him until one night he received an answer "You can." He looked around in disbelief, he was alone after all. "You can save him. You can bring him back." Llama was confused, but he didn't want to let the chance go to waste "How, how can I bring Flesh Golem back?" No answer sounded, it should have been just a dream after all. "Please. I would do anything to bring him back." he said with final desperation.
"You have a journey to make, a long one..." and he did as he was told. He harnessed a cart to his back, loaded with the corpse of Flesh Golem, and crossed forests, meadows, swamps, poison springs, graveyards, and shadow gates until he finally arrived at the ordered destination in the middle of the region of death.
It was silent. He had never experienced such silence. After ten days he could finally rest, but the silence did not help him. It seemed threatening. The Death area was not a safe place. Again and again one heard stories of how adventurers perished there or never returned.
The shadows and demons carry off those who stray into their territory. The devil knows what they do with them. But it was his last chance to bring back his old comrade-in-arms, maybe even friend.
The longer he lingered in this dark place, the more uncomfortable he felt. His eyes were only slowly getting used to the light of the cave he had entered a few minutes ago. He didn't know what to expect. Whether it was even possible to raise the dead. Maybe it was just a fantasy, a wish that he would have the chance after all, if he would only try hard enough, to bring his old friend back.
He saw a light... Far at the end of a tunnel. Barely discernible, but his eyes were slowly becoming accustomed to the darkness, and any source of light, however small, meant either that he was not mistaken after all, and that his friend's redemption was drawing nearer, or that he would immediately encounter enemies who would also end his life.
"Come closer quietly, follow the glow of the light" he heard echoing through rock walls of the cave. "Don't worry, I was expecting you. I will get your friend back". A grin spread across Llama's face and he gathered the last of his energy to pull Flesh Golem the last few feet as well. The light grew brighter, but it was a very unusual color.
"You're almost there. Just a few more meters." Tension rose in Llama. A few more steps and he should have made it. He turned the last corner of the tunnel into another small cave and spotted....
A figure, cloaked in black, turned away from him and toward a green lake.
"You did it, Llama. You brought him to me. And as I promised you, I will give him life again."
"Thank you very much" said Llama full of relief.
"I will give him a life. But life cannot simply be created. It is an energy, a form of magic that I know how to control. But just as other mages must use the forces of nature to transform them into powerful attacks, I can only work my magic through the power of life."
"What can I do? How can I help?" asked Llama, confused.
"You can die."
Llama's eyes snapped open. He wanted to get up and start running, but his legs were just too weak and so he just paced heavily step by step towards the exit of the cave. Suddenly, a firm grip grabbed him.
"You will die, but your friend will live. He will live for me. He will fight for me. And he will be even more powerful than you can imagine."
Llama noticed his energy dwindling further. With tired eyes, he looked around and realized that the figure was levitating him through an invisible power. The figure let him float in the direction of the green water. Any effort was useless. Every movement too exhausting. Suddenly he felt only coldness as his last glance sees the corpse of Flesh Golem also floating above the green lake.
"Say, how do you like your new power"
"You are my masterpiece. What power there is in you now. With you I will win every battle."
"Yes, my master..." a deep voice was heard grunting "I will crush any opponent for you, Crypt Mancer!"


It'll take 5 more minutes to upload the post with my drawing :p