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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust Rewards Based on Card Level

in #splinterlands2 years ago

In general a good idea.

What if:

All cards have the same starts from Level 1 to Max,

Skill becomes more skillbased,

Only rewards change.

Level 1 no rewards,

level Max = max rewards.

That would be a very drastic change, but would remove bots, special if the curve would be right.

Now the question would be, are investors sad or happy with it?

I mean on the other hand "delegate cards" would be for example for the best to earn.

What would be the reason to earn?

Yeah here everything becomes difficult :D

Was a spontan idea, but maybe something like this ( less drastic) could be a thing.


play with high level cards could access the rewards chests,

i mean at some point the walls are to high for new players and the game will die.

The game has not the "fun factor" of a high class game. So it needs to be a competitive game.

If this becomes impossible to be,

what game is it at the end?

Pay to play to earn?