My main issue simply is (and i know I am not the only one) that wahtever someone says not in line with fan boys or huge investors gets called salty - manipulating economy all the time is not moving us to any positive new height - tons of players plan to stop now, no new players coming - we need new players but we only get them with:
- a better game play
- huge focus on mobile app development
All the stuff we do now is protect tokens and raise the entry hurdle for new players - I am not saying it again in chat anymore - just tired of this. All by knowing crypto and generall economy is in a tricky situation.
Hey @uwelang ... I agree with this 100%
I think the stuff that protects the token value is also necessary too. In other words, one doesn't preclude the other. So I think what you are seeing is the team has prioritized tokenomics over gameplay right now, but that doesn't mean they don't understand or care about gameplay.
Put another way, both areas needed work. Which area was dealt with first is still only solving half the problem. So no matter what they did first, they were going to have the other half upset.
I don't mind you saying your thoughts. I have never seen you say anything to intentionally create negativity unnecessarily. I think you are truly concerned, so I'd rather you say why rather than keep it to yourself.
I think you and the guys that are upset with this change are only looking at this particular issue and assuming the other things needed won't be done. I believe they will be. But I can also understand that takes faith and trust.
I think none of the things mentioned are as important as the creation of the human vs human league. In fact, I think when that happens they would've possibly not needed many of the other things to stop the massive bot invasion that has run people out of the game. But the team doesn't share my urgency on the bot problem and what it does to new player acquisition, retention, tokenomics, and many other things. I understand they don't, even though I disagree. However I still realize they will do what is needed to create that league, so I stay patient and wait. All of these things will get solved sooner or later, so what happens first is less important if you have a long term vision.