Yes. The developers announced that they "COULD" set the rewards of a season based on the current level, not the maximum level achieved during the season. They did not say when.
Then you spent thousands of decs renting cards to achieve a diamond level in 2 accounts (because with mine I could go to silver III with luck) and suddenly, the team says the rules will change at the end of the season. Now, to guarantee I can claim my 40 chests, I must spend lots of decs, renting cards on the lay day o season (to avoid the risk of renting cancel) to achieve card power to remain Diamond.
To complete the disaster, they announced Caos Legion Packs will be more expensive than untamed. Why? To increase cards value? But if the number of players has grown that much, it's really needed to increase the price?
I staked 3000 USD on SPS and already lost 1000. My hope was chaos legion to finally have cards to play, because I love the game, but will never buy a card pack for 40 bucks or a land plot for 500.
So, my hope has gone. I don't care about gain money in this game. I just wanna cards to play in higher levels cause they are much challenging to play than bronze or silver. Just wanna have fun.
So I am paying to play and will pay even more for chaos legion? No thanks. The game is awesome but surfed the tsunami caused by Axie Infinity. I found splinterlands on a NFT youtube channel that told about the game.
I praised this game to everyone. Created a youtube channel, bought a guild all by myself. But when you lost confidence on someone, you never get it back. Money makes people blind. It's like, on NBA playoffs, the managers decide that shots from downtown will value 5 points, no 3. Stephen Curry would love it. Antetokounmpo not so much.
So, as Agroed use to say: did not like? Leave. We don't need you. Yes, I know. But every person I met in my life with this line of thinking, broke his business.
I just wanna cards to play a game of "cards" don't wanna renting, selling, or even make profit with this game. But I can't stay in a game I am losing money to make the old players gain even more. Buy a Spell Book is cheap, keep playing is to expensive. At the same speed the game skyrocketed, the rocket can explode and go down even faster.
This is not a complaint. I a lesson for life. Be fair. Set the rules for a period of time and follow them. Nobody can be guilty of I crime that not existed one week ago. It's the base of trust and confidence in people and institutions.
But my SPS will never give me the possibility to give any opinion about the game. The decisions are made by one person. But, if you did not like to not have the possibility to enjoy all features of a game, just because you did not know the existence of this game before, the problem is yours. Leave it. We have thousands of new users every day. We don't need you.