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RE: Attracting New Players

in #splinterlands9 months ago

It amazes me that this game still doesn't support a tournament like the ones from MTGA. $25 entry, 2.5k prize.

(I assume entry fees are net positive for the company.)

I suggested something similar like 2 years ago.

Tournament events remain equally unattractive. Back then to own a deck, you would need like 5k or probably more cause it was the high point in crypto. All to compete for a prize of $3 or something. And that was just silver.

You can scale it down too, $500 entry, 750 prize, 2 players etc.


They've had to revamp the tournaments. Thankfully, they’re just about all free now so they're basically taking the approach of "we'll pay you to play our game" the sad part is that still isn't enough to attract players.

As you mentioned you have to invest a decent amount to have a chance at winning those tournaments. You could rent but you would probably have to plunk a good amount and if you’re not in the top couple of tiers you’re losing out. But hopefully you can make some of that back in a brawl (if you’re in a guild) or winning more games with those better rented cards. However managing all of that becomes a lot of “work” which can be tedious and isn’t fun to a lot of people.

They need to get more players in. Instead of worrying about burning cards or trying to manage the currently over saturated market as there will be an increased level of demand.

I don't think being free matters as opposed to literal pennies. The prizes are far too low relative to the costs of investment.

Who's going to spend $400 to win a $20 top prize (if even that.) (Yes, you can resell the deck, but I don't buy that argument.) You can also rent for cheaper, but then it's not exactly free.

The argument given to me before was that you can play more than just one tournament. This is a game, not a job, and people have lives so it's equally unattractive.

$25 cost for 2.5k prize. Now, that's attractive. Can splinterlands support a format like that? Idk. (Haven't tried the one on MTGA, but won't be surprised that one day I will.) If Gods Unchained wasn't on eth, think I would've tried the draft mode too.

True. I can see that point of view but I see it as an added benefit when it is free. I wouldn’t pay anything to play in tournaments, even for pennies. I’d rather use those pennies to buy more Sps.

But this is a little off topic. My point with this article is to draw in new users with a fun experience. If they want to invest $500 to play with their own cards and win in battles, tournaments and brawls to earn rewards they can. Or as you put it they can just have fun for free and not have it feel like “work” to earn money to get back a return on their investment. However, we’re not even at a point of attracting players into the game to get them thinking about making that investment. It is a no go from the start. If the game is fun and engaging I leave it up to the users to determine if it is worth investing in and that is the topic for another article.

I agree that a fun experience should be first. The creators of the game are overly fixated on economy manipulation whereas for games with economies (real money trading) even though it's not supported or banned, regardless it still happens. Those games don't pay attention to the economy.

MTG (legal), Like every mmo (illegal.) Some action rpgs (diablo etc.) League of legends too.

Games utilizing crypto should be fun game first, economy second. As for a game that succeeds on that aspect? yet to be found.

Lmk if you find one! 😆

Finally, I remember one such game: Crazy Defense Heroes.