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RE: Real new players from NFTy Arcade to Splinterlands

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Great work, @monsterveritas! These are some highly concerning findings. I was initially very excited about the NFTy Arcade deal, as I hoped it would bring some new and passionate players into the community, but now I think that there is a lot of work to be done on NFTy's end before that happens.

I would really like to see some transparency from them on what measures will be taken in light of these findings to ensure that the decks provided by the Splinterlands team are being used by genuine new players, and not by bots.

I also understand that those new decks have only been up for a short time, but I would like some further transparency from the NFTy team on what is being done to promote the game to new players, along with some verifiable stats on the number of new players that they bring in.

Thank you for taking the time to do this work and bringing an uncomfortable reality to light. I am hopeful that the NFTy Arcade team will take this in stride and make the right changes necessary to do better for our community!