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RE: Splinterlands Development Update - September 2019

in #splinterlands6 years ago

Read my reply to gillianpearce's comment above. I think that might explain it better. Smaller accounts are making money on average just by playing. We love this and we want to encourage this, but at the same time, if they can make too much money then it gets taken advantage of and the whole game suffers.

This is the way it is with a decentralized game where items have real value. With typical games it doesn't matter, you can reward players of any level as much as you want and it doesn't threaten the game because the rewards have no value and are not transferable.

Here it's different. If we give too much to anyone for too little effort/investment then the whole thing will fail and your cards will be worth nothing. On the other hand if we're able to balance the rewards just right then prices will continue climbing and everyone, small and large, will stand to benefit.

So far I think we've done a pretty good job steering this ship in the right direction, but if you think otherwise you have the option to sell your cards, and for pretty good prices these days.


First... thanks for your patience, Matt. I appreciate it. i realize it's not the most fun thing to do to counter all that critique. Maybe I should lay low and let it sink in for a short while - wait till it's clear just how much you will be taking away, and what the effect on the players that don't have a truckload of money to invest will be.

I know onboarding people like j6969 is a dream come true, but a big part of your player base is different...

you have the option to sell your cards

You made me an addict, so that's not really an option ;0)

how much of a hit it could be. silver will probably be 1 card in a daily quest, and after some time of playing and getting the good old rusty most will not play daily quests. I feel i will wait till the end of the season and than just play my best deck and get what i can.

I think enabling pack purchases with DEC is a key part of this. A new player can now make something like a dollar a day with the starter set and then directly buy packs to quickly get up to level 4-5.

Then the grind sets in with the exponential nature of XP :).

Contrast that with the old system, where that was technically still possible, but you had to sell DEC at the bid for STEEMP, then pay 1% for STEEM, then buy packs.

"A new player can now make something like a dollar a day with the starter set"

I don't see how this could be possible. A new player holding just the starter set gets less than a quarter DEC for winning his game.

"Contrast that with the old system, where that was technically still possible, but you had to sell DEC at the bid for STEEMP, then pay 1% for STEEM, then buy packs."

Or you could just buy the boosters on Steem Engine with STEEMP.
