Lets go! This week is all about one of my favorite cards, the Sand Worm.
This was an easy challenge considering I use this card in a bunch of different colors
The rules of battle were:
24 Mana
All Elements
The Summoners:
I chose Malric Inferno as my summoner because of his +1 Melee ability. Combine that with Sand Worms 5 attack and you can 1 shot a lot of monsters. Since I had the +1 Melee ability it would only make sense to load my team up with Melee monsters. My opponent used a card by the name of Kretch Tallevor who is a 3 mana summoner with no added abilitys. He is a dragon summoner though which allows you to take another element along with you. It looks like he chose to go with Earth. I'm not sure if my opponent was even trying, or if he's just new. Because now looking back, he's sort of all over the place with a dragon summoner and no other dragon monsters. I don't know, don't make much sense to me. Maybe that was his daily quest? lol
My line up:
[Living Lava]
First in Line is a very solid tank. 3 attack, 2 shield, 6 health with reduced damage from Melee attacks. He can take hits, He can dish hits. Perfect for the role.
[Flame Monkey]
Keeping with the Melee theme I put this little guy behind my tank. His role is just another body to power up my Ant Miner and buy some time for my Sneak units to get some kills in. The +1 Melee ability makes even the smallest monsters a threat. It's more of a glass cannon at that point though with only 2 health. Thankfully for him, this cannon fodder didn't get the chance to see any play.
[Furious Chicken]
More cannon fodder. Just a body to buy my Sneaky monsters some time. A must include if you have an open spot and no more mana to spend.
[Kobold Miner]
My thought behind adding Kobold Miner was to give my Sand Worm a partner in which to reek havoc on the opponents back line, literally sneaking past the tank. I see a lot of back line archers and mages with 2 even 3 damage even in bronze league so being able to take them out quickly is key in a lot of battles. The best part about sneak is the versatility you get being able to slot in Melee monsters and still have them attack, not sit there idle, waiting for their turn. Can't go wrong for 2 mana.
[Sand Worm]
I don't think there's much more to say about this monster that I haven't already touched upon. He has a massive attack stat that sneaks behind the opponents tank and devistates the back line. My plan is to throw him either behind my tank or at the end of the line. I only use him as a tank if there's a low mana cap for the fight and he fits the theme I am trying to work with.
[Ant Miners]
I chose to throw Ant Miner in the back so he could benefit from the deaths of my opponents back line and as a last resort if it came down to it. He was melee, low mana, and gets beefy the longer he survives. Seemed like a good fit and he finished the match with an impressive amount of health.
Enemys line up:
- Nectar Queen
- Furious Chicken
- Goblin Chariot
- Mantoid
- Creeping Ooze
Round 1:
Enemy Mantoid kills my Furious Chicken.
My Kobold Miner attacks with his Sneak ability before my Sand Worm, takes out the Enemys Furious Chicken.
My Sand Worm goes next and takes out the Enemy Goblin Chariot with his Sneak ability.
Round 2:
Kobold Miner and Sand Worm Sneak up on the Enemys Mantoid and kills him.
The round ends with a 6 Health Nectar Queen and a Creeping Ooze against my still standing full team.
Round 3:
**Kobold Miner **Sneaks behind the Nectar Queen and delivers a fatal blow to the Enemys Creeping Ooze.
Sand Worm delivers the final blow to Nectar Queen finishing my opponent and winning the match.
Sand Worm is a very powerful card boasting a lot of value for a lot of mana. His neutral color makes him suitable for a lot of different play styles at the bronze level that I play in. When I use him, I like to take advantage of that high attack stat and his Sneak ability by pairing him up with one or more other sneak cards. Looking back, this battle was sort of lame. My enemy was a lot less organized then I at first noticed and really didn't even stand a chance against my team. The more I play this game the more I am learning but I am still in bronze league and don't see myself going into silver until the release of the new set and I can buy some more boosters. Once again if you don't have an account you can SIGN UP FOR SPLINTERLANDS with my referral and get a free card.
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss

Great job, Sand Worm took out almost all of your opponent's cards !!
This is awesome, I’m glad to see that you are really taking to Splinterlands! It’s a really fun game and you are catching on quickly for what to do.
I’d love to invite you to join my guild! I think you will fit in well and we can help you get stronger and level things up. Did you join a guild yet?
I joined a guild but have no affiliation really. Just found an open spot and settled in. I don't use discord or anything so I'm not too sure how involve I'd be but I'm totally down to join if you have some spots you need to fill.
I used to play a lot of magic the gathering so I took to this game right away.
If you want to join the guild send a request to join Soulreapers. We are ranked in the 40's or 50's but we are growing so it's a solid group of people who play in it.
The guild has a chat feature where you can drop questions and interact with folks. We usually have some light conversation going on every day. We don’t bother with discord and that stuff either lol. Just a chill group of people who play and have fun. I try to help my guild mates with card delegations and stuff so you can play and earn more.
I never played magic but I've been into MMO's and other strategy games all my life si it's been a fun way to get my gaming in but not be too addicting lol.
Oh that's weird I think I was actually in your guild when I posted that? Maybe lol I dont know I got kicked cause I've been inactive this week cause it's my fiance's vacation. I'd like to join again, I just sent a request. That's a super coincidence tho that i was in your guild already. Add me back I'm going to be active again with daily quests and what not.
Hahaha well take a look at what I said in guild chat! Sorry, I didn’t think you had two different accounts on here. I let you back in!