A summoner with an excellent balance between attack and resistance, see her in battle and clear your doubts.

in #splinterlands3 years ago

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Today I will talk about a fire deck summoner who is a newcomer to splinterlands but who conquered everyone and became the most used in the battles of this deck, her name is Tarsa and it is about her that I will talk in this post.

Tarsa is a summoner from the fire deck and also a rare card from the chaos legion edition, and as everyone knows chaos legion brought other summoners besides Tarsa that changed the battles in splinterlands a lot since the summoner is one of the main reasons for the choices of cards, and before chaos legion the most used in the fire deck were Malric Inferno and Pyke, but what made Tarsa take their place and become so used? That's what I'll talk about in this post and also show her in battle to see if she's as good as they say.

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If you don't understand how a summoner works then just look at the picture above and know that the summoner's level is related to the level of the cards you can choose. An example for this would be Tarsa level 4, which was the level I used in the battle that I will show, so at this level it only allows me to use common cards up to level 5, rare cards up to level 4, epic cards up to level 3 and legendary cards up to level 2. I won't cite more examples because you can understand how it works by looking at the image above and also because this post would be too long if I said everything, another important thing to mention is that leagues also have limits of levels and they are:

Bronze - Level 3 Common Card, Level 2 Rare Card, Level 2 Epic Card, Level 1 Legendary Card.

Silver - Level 5 Common Card, Level 4 Rare Card, Level 3 Epic Card, Level 2 Legendary Card.

Gold - Level 8 Common Card, Level 6 Rare Card, Level 5 Epic Card, Level 3 Legendary Card.

Diamond - Common card level 10, Rare card level 8, Epic card level 6, Legendary card level 4.

Champion - Level 10 Common Card, Level 8 Rare Card, Level 6 Epic Card, Level 4 Legendary Card.

You can also see this by looking at Leagues in the Splinterlands battle part.

Now coming back to talking about Tarsa, her usefulness in battle is as a summoner and she has a cost of 4 mana and her function will be to grant +1 melee attack to your cards and this is very useful since it is common to use at least 1 melee card in battle and there are extremely strong combinations in the fire deck with melee cards and also granting +1 health to all your cards and this is also useful since life is what decides whether your card will continue in battle or not so having more life is never much.

That's all you need to know about summoners and also about Tarsa, now let's go into battle.

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As a summoner I chose the tarsa and I don't think I need to say the reason as I mentioned it before, but its function will be to grant melee attack and life to my cards.

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To defend the first position I chose the Serpentine Soldier which is an excellent card for this position because it has the Shield skill that reduces the damage received from melee and ranged attacks which is a great defense and also the Dodge skill that increases the damage by 25%. chances of him dodging melee and ranged attacks, so he has a great defense and will also dodge a lot of attacks since he has a high speed that will help his Dodge ability.

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For the second position we have Fineas Rage and he is a melee card with the Reach ability that allows him to attack from the second position, in addition he has a lot of attack, health and speed so it will be a good defense for this position.

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In third position we have Tenyii Striker that has a high attack and also the Sneak skill that makes him attack the enemy card in the last position and this is very useful in battles, in addition he has the Dodge skill so he will dodge many attacks.

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In fourth position we have the Kobold Miner and his biggest participation in the battle will be to deal damage and he also has the Sneak skill so he and Tenyii Striker will defeat a lot of cards from the back row and the Kobold Miner is also an excellent choice because it only has 2 mana cost.

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In the fifth position we have the Serpentine Spy that also has a high attack and a low mana cost, in addition it has the Opportunity ability that attacks the enemy card with the lowest health, so it will serve to give the last blow to the cards and defeat them.

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And finally I fear Sparkie Pixie which is a ranged card with a lot of speed and has the Fly skill that makes it have a good chance to dodge melee attacks and rangeds from cards that don't have the Fly skill and the reason I put it she is in the last position because she is a ranged card so it would be useless to have her in the first position so keeping cards like this as far away as possible is ideal and also because she dodges many attacks, so if any card attacks her, she will probably to dodge

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In this battle my enemy also used the summoner Tarsa and as you can see there is the Lost Magic rule that does not allow magic cards, so my cards that have the Dodge and Fly ability will be very useful, besides the Serpentine Soldier will be an excellent defense already which has the Shield ability that reduces damage taken from melee and ranged attacks.

In that first round I ended up losing Sparkie Pixie because she couldn't dodge the attack, but I managed to defeat one of the enemy's cards too and I did a lot of damage, but we can consider it a draw.

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In the second round my opponent managed to have the advantage because he defeated 2 of my cards and I only defeated 1 of his, but it's not the end of the battle yet because I have very strong cards on the field and most of his cards are low on health.

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In the third round the game turned and I had the advantage because I eliminated 2 of his cards and he couldn't defeat any of mine since I had more attack and speed than him, but I still can't say that I won the battle.

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In the fourth round I managed to defeat the 2 remaining cards in his field and get the victory without losing any more cards, so even though he had the advantage in the beginning I ended up turning the game around and winning, and that's a great feeling.

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That was the battle I wanted to share this week, I hope you enjoyed it and see you next time.

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The village folk always say that Tarsa was born with fire in her blood, and that is true in many ways. Her burning rage and quick temper are amplified by her powers to summon and control fire. While her parents and teachers tried to instill patience for such dangerous magic, Tarsa had little time for that. She used her abilities to bully and threaten those that got in her way.

Her young and innocent-looking appearance only helped her to further manipulate people around her. “Tarsa always gets what Tarsa wants” is what she says to herself every time something or someone challenges her.

When the Chaos Legion arrived, Tarsa saw this as an opportunity to have free reign of her fire power without interference from anyone else. So long as the Chaos Legion opens the path for her, she can burn everything else to the ground.
Tarsa's laugh echoed into the night. She stood in the middle of the wide-open plains, a blanket of stars above. Her arms moved in circles around her as she controlled a raging torrent of fire. It spun about her, embers drifting up into the night.

She was surrounded by a tribe of barbarians. Barbarians that were angry she was on their land, using their resources, and hunting their animals. They tried to talk to her, but Tarsa cared little for conversation. She was stronger than all of them combined.

She flicked her wrist and bolts of fire shot from her spinning torrent, impacting the warriors around her. They screamed. She laughed.

“Well, come on!” she shouted. “Let's see if any of you are strong enough for Tarsa!”