In this post I will talk about a card that is a snake in a human body and no, she is not the medusa, her name is Iza the Fanged and she is a card recently arrived in splinterlands along with chaos legion and she terrorizes villages with her cruel way of hunting her villagers, and she uses the jungle as her main hunting ground so if you live near one try to avoid her because you never know when you will find Iza the Fanged.
Maybe you were a little scared of her but you can believe that despite her cruelty she is quite useful in splinterlands battles so read this post to the end to better understand her usefulness.
The image above already shows everything you should know about the stats and abilities of the cards, but even so, I'll talk in more detail so you don't have any doubts.
As you can see it is a ranged card so it cannot attack in the first position, whenever you use a ranged card try to put it as far away from that position as possible unless the battle has the Close Range rule then it won't make much difference , but always have a strategy in mind and don't play it in any position without first thinking.
In addition, the card Iza the Fanged is a card that has only 4 mana cost and is an important point to talk about since most of the battles you face in splinterlands have low mana cost so it's always good to analyze which card to put on the field based on its mana cost, would a card with a high mana cost be better in battle or 2+ cards with a low mana cost?. As I consider Iza the Fanged to be a good card and its cost is only 4 so it's the type of card that won't give you this kind of headache as it will fit both in battles with high mana cost or with low cost.
Another thing to note as well is that both speed and health don't change when she levels up, only attack and skills. Her speed is very high if you consider her at level 1 but at level 4 I already consider it just reasonable, but what will make a difference even in battle are her skills. And in terms of health I consider it very low even for a card with a low mana cost but one of your skills will help with that but I will only talk about that a little later.
Now let's talk about your skills, the first to be mentioned is Sneak and this skill makes the card attack the enemy card in the last position and I consider it a very useful skill since the cards that are usually in that position are one of the main ones team bases, are usually ranged cards with a lot of damage or cards that heal and give shield, in short they would be essential cards for victory so eliminating them as soon as possible is always a good choice. Also ranged cards usually have the Snipe ability and not the Sneak ability so that makes Iza the Fanged a unique card for now.
Her second skill is Scavenger and this skill makes Iza the Fanged gain +1 health for every card defeated on the field whether she is ally or enemy, so it's a great skill for her as she has very little health so it's a way to compensate for this, in addition it is also a very useful skill in rules that deal damage at the end of the turn like Earthquake and Noxious Fumes, since in these battles having a lot of health is very important and cards fall one after another so Iza the Fanged will party with the Scavenger skill.
And its third and final skill is Stun and with it Iza the Fanged has a 50% chance to apply this effect when attacking and leave the enemy card hit incapacitated and this is something very useful in a battle since that card's attack could change the course of the battle, in addition to that it has the Sneak ability so its attack will be on the enemy card that is in the last position so it can be a card that heals or that grants shield as an example, so besides you leave it unable to attack it will also prevent her from playing her role as a support in the battle and this can guarantee her victory.
Another thing that strikes me about Iza the Fanged is its value and as I believe that many of you besides having fun playing splinterlands also think of it as an investment, and as you have seen the usefulness of this card in battles then you must also think that it is a card with one of the highest values of the legendary rarity of the chaos legion edition or that at least it has a reasonable value, but the answer to that is no and it has one of the lowest values of this edition/rarity and as I think it does it's a very underrated card yet so many haven't seen its potential yet and that's why its value is so low. But I believe that when the chaos legion sale ends and the cards of this edition start to be used more frequently as there will be more cards on the market to burn and level up then Iza the Fanged can finally find her place in Splinterlands and increase its price over time.
As you can see it is currently being traded for $4.90 and this is a very low value for a legendary card with good abilities like hers, so I hope that in the future it will be valued more and can be used more often in battles.
Rumors spread in the villages that if you wander too far into the jungles of Azmare that you'll be snatched by Iza the Fanged. She does not use her fangs, or her teeth to grab you—but the very jungle itself. She'll drag you off to some deep cave and place you before her to serve as dinner or plaything, depending on her mood. It is a tale that parents use to keep their children close to home. It is laughed off by villagers and travelers as a spooky campfire story. But every year the disappearances continue, so the rumors persist.
Iza enjoys the rumors spread about her, although she would point out her appetite is not for children. Iza does not know where she came from, except that she was born with the heart of a serpent. Her earliest memories are of trees all around her, covered in snakes. Iza moves silently, almost invisible, within the jungle. The earth mana wraps around her and flows through her, enabling her to control vines, thorns, and trees. Iza does not need weapons, for she is the very jungle itself. She prefers to string her victims along and play with them, taking her time to render someone paralyzed with her fanged bite.
Iza will prey on anyone who enters her territory. She has a particular fondness for snatching men after peering at them from between the trees, sparking their interest. She grabs them with twitching vines and hauls them towards her cave before striking. The last thing her paralyzed victims see is a dark, plant covered cave, decorated with human bones.
The undergrowth was full of thorny vines and rotting vegetation. If a traveler looked close enough, they might distinguish the outline of a great cave between the lush green canopy and the decaying ground. Various sized bones lay tossed about in the surrounding area. From a distance, the jagged entrance appeared to take the shape of a snake's wide open mouth. Lime green plants and colorfully vibrant flowers adorned the adjacent cliffside.
The vines on the ground twitched and throbbed as they crawled along the ground closer to the cave. They were pulling something. The vines rolled up the limp object, digging their thorns into sickly pale flesh. The body of a Scavo lay still and silent within the living vines.
A great tearing sound filled the air followed by a rush of wind. The canopy of the jungle shook, and a flock of birds took off from the branches. Their screeches and caws filled the silence. A thorn bush crawled its way out from the dense trees, pulling itself along with thorny tendril-like hands. It scuttled behind the vines that rolled the body of the Scavo and stopped inside of the cave. Then, like a great tongue, a large chunk of thorns erupted from its center and deposited the body of an older man with brown hair. He hit the ground with a THUD.
In the darkness of the cave, two sickly red and yellow eyes appeared. The unblinking orbs were slit like that of a snake. A faint hissing could be heard from within. The eyes belonged to a figure who crawled on the ground and rose up mere inches from the man's body. Her mouth opened to reveal razor-sharp teeth and a long tongue that flicked in and out several times. It licked the body of the man, and she coaxed him awake by running her hand along his face. The man's eyes flashed open, and he lurched backward in a panic.
“My, my...aren't you a handsome one?” the voice purred. “I must say, you looked tasty from far off when I first snatched you, but now. Mmm! You're much more delightful up close.”
Before he was able to get up and run away, the figure with the snake eyes reached out her hand, and vines lashed out from the wall and wrapped around his torso. He was yanked back and pinned to the wall. He glanced around and saw he was surrounded by bones and red smears. He began to breathe heavily and looked back at the figure with snake eyes. She swayed back and forth, staring at him with a lustful grin.
She rushed in, fangs bared. He felt sharp incisors puncture his neck, then his body went numb. All he could do was watch as she led in more victims with her vines and thorns, controlling them with some unseen force. The vines slowly crawled over him as she approached once more. With a cackle and a wry grin, she began to bite him. At first softly, then feverishly.
The man felt no pain as he was devoured.
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Good work! Keep going.