The Death Splinter

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

 " "Picsart_22-10-22_15-13-03-648.jpg""

Yo! Wassup @splinterlands players

Let's talk about the death element. The debuff element. You might notice death summoners all have something in common. Debuffs. Also some monster gain debuff skill as they level up.

For me Death splinter is Op if you just use the exact debuff to counter your opponentts . Death splinter is so effective in high mana caps. but you need to improvise in low mana caps because you can't use some monster with debuff.

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Here's my gameplay using death element.

I use Zintar mortalis in this round to reduce enemies physical attack by 1 Cursed Windeku a hero with thorns. and heal if its lvl 5 followed by death elemental to weaken magic attacks if they use magic heroes then i put venari spellsmith to amplify cursed windeku's thorn. lastly, i used soulstorm to reduce enemies range attack if they used monster with ranged attack.

I won this round because opponent's windeku has its attack reduced by 1 and my windeku thorn damage is amplified by the venari spellsmith

 " "2dk2RRM2dZ8gKjXsrozapsD83FxL3Xbyyi5LFttAhrXxr16mCe4arfLHsM2aHVHfk6976G9tU1W3DzcfGPq2LxNw7PLdE5dtvc3RSHF7hAXSd34Zyu4FDjD95R7dyso5axGJtxnMGyBbRbbR88i43PYC23iyB4kLtAawx4j12E.png"" In my overall experience, death splinter is powerful if used efficiently And if the mana and ruleset is in your favor.

 " "26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqoY3r1b5Bu4388YsDjKtuqmm8ZWXG2VthSR5RiorkV21hjKi37nnHmFJFqoaLXEsA3rz8Q6qXjLzt86pPichaeacvLCbwgoERPsKuPyqCpDhriR.gif""

My favorite summoners in death splinter is

 " "Mimosa Nightshade.png""
A summoner with void armor, -1 range attack, affliction

Void armor - cut enemies magic attack in half
-1 range attack - Reduce enemies range attack by 1 (Good counter for Yodin and selenia sky)
affliction - Remove/forbid the opponents monster to be healed, regenerate hp when hit.

Mimosa nightshade is best partnered with Harklaw, Octopider, death elemental, Soulstorm, Phantom soldier to Drastically reduxe their attack

What is your experience using death splinter in game.
let me know in reply section 😊😊😊
Keep grindin 🔥🔥🔥🔥



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